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Everything posted by Easty

  1. Iv already ordered mine and it does work fine. When you click the like it come up with the RRP at £115 Don't worry about that when you put the code in it drops it to £76 including Postage Hope iv done well for everyone and everyone is happy Thank guys and girls
  2. http://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/321906311855 350z Carbon Fibre Plenum with inbuilt Spacer
  3. Sent an email asking the question so will let you know as soon as he gets back to me
  4. There a large company, I have nothing over them they could just say no sod off...... But instead they still said if I can get 10 they would do it at £75..... If they didn't want to sell the kits for that they wouldn't!! Simple.... Anyway up to 6 people so just need another 4 😆
  5. 1. Vlad - brake lines - YELLOW - 2005 350z (UK) 2. Tay - brake lines - 350z uk spec kit - Clear 3. Easy -Brake Lines -350z 4. Richf - Brake lines - 370z black/clear or clear with lettering would be great 5. Marcw79 - brake lines - 350z - blue 6. Dougtosh - Brake Lines - 350z - CLG name has been added Can you just confirm this is all right for you
  6. Basically I asked if the trader/traders sell any of the 350z and 370z lines, I was told No they didn't. I don't know if they deal with Goodridge or not, I just got told they didn't sell the 350 or 370 stuff..... He wouldn't tell me who it was or give me any names but he told me it was a number of traders off the forum and they had been complaining and causing lots of hassle because I was doing a group buy. From what it sounded like they wanted to do a deal but it would be more expensive because they would want to take these cut out of it.... Even to the point where they ask if he would sell them the lines and get me to buy it via them but it wouldn't be anywhere near the price I got quoted for them. Does that help.
  7. It's mid-week Wednesday hump day... Everyone is turning against each other, letting off steam and airing views. An interesting read nonetheless Haha I was in a good mood before I found this out this morning, it's the beginning of my weekend today 😆
  8. Well Iv got a feeling even if they don't pop up and say there bit and explain why they want to screw the members over so the can make a few extra Quid and destroy a One off Deal just because they have nothing better to do with there time that in a few weeks/months whenever they will start doing deals on Goodridge stuff...... So I'll just wait for that then it will show which Traders are only out for themselves and not the real people who make this forum!!
  9. Well we need another 5 people to say yes or it isn't going to happen...... 😕 Gutted isn't the word!!
  10. Kinda but they weren't already trading with them..... They aren't selling there lines and because I'm trying to sort something for everyone they don't like it!! I was just going by this comment that the Trader (s) in question had no dealings with Goodridge. I asked if they (the Traders) had been selling the 350 & 370z lines before. I was told No!!
  11. I'm really hoping it doesn't fall through would be a shame to loose a good deal due to selfish people
  12. So you would no longer want a set of lines due to this and this trader..... Well it's looking like the trader/traders will get what he or they wanted by not making this happen!! Nice I know I wasted my day trying to help fellow members out due to selfish traders on here!! If you are interested and would like a set I need to know ASAP looks like we need another 6 people to make this happen ASAP!!
  13. Well said!!! When I find out for sure who it was I will not be buying anything from them no matter what they offer!!
  14. Yep!! And I wasn't given a name and without being 110% sure I wouldn't want too just incase it wasn't them..... All I know is that it was a few Traders from on here!!
  15. Kinda but they weren't already trading with them..... They aren't selling there lines and because I'm trying to sort something for everyone they don't like it!!
  16. The forum member has helped me out so much in the past I was just trying to return the favour..... Just hope I can get the 10 and get them ordered ASAP before he decides he is getting too much hassle and cancels it completely......
  17. I really am annoyed that a Forum Trader who already makes money out the member starts causing hassle over a few Quid..... It's pathetic!!! And the Guy from Goodridge has enough integrity not to name names even though they are giving him so much hassle!! But I was informed it wasn't Just ONE trader!! They should feel disgusted in themselves.....
  18. haha i had the same, not naming any names, but HEL had calls from them too to complain as to why i was getting them cheaper than them. Cant help it if you got mates in the industry lol. They take the fun out of everything. It's just Greed and totally Disgusting!! They want to make a few Quid and because there not making it they have to try and screw everyone else over from getting a good deal..... They should be ashamed of themselves...... On a positive I can still get 10 sets at the moment before they completely mess it up for everyone.....
  19. So as meany of you know I managed to set up a Group Buy from everyone on the forum for 350 & 370z Goodridge braided brake line...... This took me a lot of time and effort to sort out! I am Not doing this for money I basically can't afford the £115 price tag for a set of lines my self and manage to sort out that if I can get 10 people we can have them for £75 Or 20 people they would be £65 Everyone gets a good deal and trying to help the other members out...... Well after sorting all this I spoke to the Guy today and the amount of hassle from Traders is unbelievable..... Because they only want to make money out of the members they dont like the fact I'm doing it for nothing and trying to get people a bargain...... They Guy who has been kind enough to sort this out for me was very nearly saying No due to the Hassle he's getting over this! The traders trying to ruin it for everyone because there not making money out of us!!!! Iv managed to agree that I can get 10 and then that's it due to this!! I'm not saying it's all Traders just a select few!! Someone trieds to do something nice for fellow member and help them out as they would help any other 350z owner out and people have to cause hassle because they have nothing better to do they try and screw the whole group over as long as they make a few Extra Quid!!! You would make pennies get a grip!! The ones who have complained you know who you are!! You should be ashamed of yourself..... I'm completely disgusted and hope everyone who reads this will be disgusted and disappointed in you too!!
  20. Ok Guys and Girl. Got some Good and some Bad news!! Due to some greedy Traders not liking that I'm not making money and trying to do a nice thing for the members of the forum and complaining massively and causing problems because they only want to make money out of us all..... I can now only get 10 sets for the £75!! Once the 10 sets have gone that's it I can't get any more..... The guy I talk to is getting that much hassle he was considering not doing it at all due to this!! But we agreed on the 10 sets and then that's it..... So let's get the 10 people and get them ordered as soon as possible whilst I can....
  21. I would love to get 20 people but I don't think it's going to happen fast enough so as soon as I get a defiant 10 people who want them and pay I'll get them ordered 😊
  22. Good find 😊Thank you
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