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Everything posted by zippypooz

  1. Hahaha i get it too...I asked someone why and was told birds are more likely to take a dump over something that looks like water...mines gun metal...i get bird splatters over it all the time! Maybe get some wet and dry and take the gloss of your roof!
  2. Glad to hear that you sorted this! Good news.
  3. Flywheel and clutch...thats my next mod as and when i need to do it. Done everything else really. FI would be the next option but not going that route...Maybe Nitrous??? You could add another 100hp for a couple of grand maybe??
  4. Shouldnt matter WHAT colour it is, the colour should match end of. Poor workmanship to let it go out like that...didnt they say anything?
  5. Id have laughed if id taken mine to get it resprayed and id had to give them the paintcode!
  6. There are a few different shades of gun metal on these, mines an 05 and Paycos was an 06, both gun metal but his was darker...ive had a full frontal respray and the colour match is perfect, id take it back.
  7. Bargain...these are upwards of £600 i think. GLWTS
  8. Love these, best wheels for the zed imo. Very rare too these days.
  9. £360 is a great price for these. GLWTS
  10. I couldnt let rip as there were people about and didnt wanna look like a ****!!
  11. Its not that loud, sounds more meaty, a little rasp but not much, some cars pass, some dont.
  12. There's still a few gems to be found on the earlier models and imports. Tends to be the bodywork that suffers rather than engines. Mine's a little gem!!
  13. I think prices have increased tbh!! Paycos rev-up went for about 10.5k!
  14. So upload the photo to photobucket and on the right you'll see various options, one of which is will say IMG, click it to copy the code then paste to this page.
  15. Your car is looking stunning Neil, love it!
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