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Posts posted by fellsteruk

  1. I got a quote once for a thundercat when I first past my bike test around 25 and one place wanted 10k. Wouldn't mind but bike was only worth 6k. Some places just Make it up I am sure.


    You won't like what I am about to say but at 18 your a high risk and your going to get screwed on insurance. Why not get a smaller car get a few years no claims and get a zed when your In ya 20,s?

  2. Yeah coz they are just the same thing... Sales of Lear are mega slow and they are trying to push at all costs, I went in for a new 360 qashqai and that ask me the same "what about a leaf" who wants a car that won't get you to London and back with plugging it in....

  3. OMG... What a pain in the a$$ it is to change your sidelights on a zed. I had a double wammy as i ordered a set for the zed and a set for the qashqai. The QQ was a pain in the a$$ but i got them changed with a little effort... Jesus, why on earth have you got to rip half the wheel arch trim out to get to them on a zed :(


    Anyhow they look very cool on both cars so the blood and sweat that went into changing them was worth it... Now i took some pictures of the process does anything think it would be helpful for other new zed owners if i made a how 2 guide with pics?



  4. This takes me back to my pc days. However I got bitten by the apple bug many moons ago so all appled up now, however i did upgrade the ram to 12gb, about the most tinkering you can do without removing the screen and even then u don't have much to mod :(


    Sill have my old PC bit of a dinosaur by today's standards, upgraded ram and graphics a few years back for flight sim x and ran like a dream, now its a backup server for Lightroom when editing on my mac :)


    U have a nice rig, hope u don't get any leaks :)

  5. No worries.


    Will get shoot for this but first mod should always be a nismo badge.... Lol I have somewhat of an obsession with them much to the distaste of the community :)


    Also the price you mentioned seems about right unless I also got a cheap zed, I paid just over 7k for a 54 plate GT with 40k on the clock it was listed as 8k but some hard haggling later I got my own way ;)

    • Like 1
  6. Just my 2p...


    Any car new or old can go bang and cost you an arm and a leg but i appreciate what your saying personally i have always purchased new or cars within 12months of registration and over replaced them within 4 years with the exception of my beloved primera :) Anyway i also fear that if anything happens to my old 54 plate zed its gonna be expensive but look at is this way:


    It may be old but its got low miles, if its had full service history/MOT and its running ok now with no issues you are more than likely going to be ok but for peace of mind why not put it in a garage for a full once over. That said these are old cars and you have to expect that at this age thinks can go on them. I have personally never replaced a clutch on any of my cars but i am expecting to do it on my zed...


    Your body work can be done anytime, its doesn't affect how the car runs ;) You could sell up and get an 06 or even and 08 but your still looking at a 5 year old car and i am sure you will stil be thinking the same thing...


    As i say just my 2p :)

  7. I got some for the TT (just to make me look more of an Arthur Hunt) but I could never work out the wiring so I gave up


    Hey who gives a crap what ppl think if u like it then surely that's enough, if I didn't do things because ppl though I was a knob I wouldn't live my life. On the other hand my zed could end up looking like the homer car this time next year if I carry on lol


    Baaaaaaaa, off to eat some grass.....


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  8. My dad is in the trade so got them sorted from there... I Was going to transfer my reg i have on my Qashqai which is Y11STE but i couldn't be @%$£@^£ with the wait or paperwork with DVLA, so got a new one.


    Couldn't get any with STE from DVLA so went for S31 FEL.... I dont normally like private plates that dont seem to mean anything but i guess they all mean something to the owner.. In this case my first inital and surname, Well almost my surname :)


    I could kicked myself because when i purchased my STE plate i could have also got Y12 STE but didn't think i would have two cars and didn't want to pay 90 quid every year for retention :( You live and learn.

  9. Like a little kid this morning, my Private plate paperwork finally came from DVLA after 3 weeks :( So much for "within 2" i tell you shipping everything to swansea is gonna kill dvla if they dont scale is up...


    Anyway i can ditch the 54 plate and get me new on one "Whoop whoop" already rung admiral off to pick the plates up and fit later today and maybe get rid of the plate mount :)

  10. I think you're looking for one of these.




    Picture and description are a bit lacking, but I think it's supposed to be similar to the generic plastic tray that most manufacturers supply as an option. Harder wearing than a carpet, and contains any spillages. Although this Zed one is only designed for the boot area rather than the open area behind the seats, so I don't know how happy you're dog would be stuffed in the boot. May be you could adapt a plastic tray from something else to fit in the forward section.


    I have a perfect one exactly the same I want rid of if anyone wants to make an offer :thumbs::lol:


    Do u ?

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