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Posts posted by AliveBoy

  1. Late to the party, but I've had no issues driving a late 68 Chevy truck over here in regard to it being left hand drive. My main issues are:


    1) You can never "just nip to the petrol station" as everyone wants to chat about the vehicle.

    2) You can never sit peacefully in traffic as above.

    3) The steering boxes from the 60's aren't great, they have quite a large dead zone BUT you can very easily upgrade to a new rebuilt one which will be way more precise.

    4) LOTS of questions about how many dead bodies you can get in the back

    5) LOTS of questions about the MPG

    6) LOTS of comments about growing a mullet

    7) LOTS of comments about being scared of corners...


    Basically, other people thinking they're original and funny :lol: the first two are pretty cool problems to have, the third is an easy fix if it bothers you, the rest are minor.

  2. I'd just like to say, I've never been sure on the wing on Dan's car. On Sunday I saw it in the flesh and my God it looks good! Everyone there was taking pictures and on the way home he got several flashes and thumbs up too!

  3. Late reply I know, but I totalled my first Z on the M1, I was driving at about 50mph in the snow. Casually going along with no problems at all, next thing I know the car in the lane next to me pulls across into my lane to overtake the person in front of them. Their drivers door was about to hit my front wing so I instinctively swerved to the right onto the outside lane to avoid the collision. Unfortunately the sharp steering input mixed with budget tyres and the road conditions made the rear end snap out on me, I tried my hardest to catch it. The sudden snap of the rear end in the opposite direction was completely unexpected and I spiralled down the motorway and ended up front end in the armco next to the hard shoulder, that threw the car round and buried the rear end into it too. Would decent tyres have saved me? Probably not, but I'm certain the crash wouldn't have been as bad if I'd got a decent set on. I was driving with a safe distance to the car in front, I wasn't over tired, I wasn't driving erratically, someone scared me and I made a mistake under pressure.

  4. I swear Nangkang have really bad quality control issues. I hear so many people with properly decent cars (who do track them!) saying the tyres are awesome, then so many people in EXACTLY the same situation saying they're so terrible. Federal tyres are the same. It's so bizarre because I see people who I trust giving each opinion and they're so polar opposite.

  5. However, the people saying that turning ESP off will kill you? Learn to drive boys, I never turned ESP on it 6 years of ownership and didnt have it at all in a considerably more powerful series of 200SX's, how those boys with TVRs dont end up in every hedge/bus stop is impressive too. Sure, if youre not confident then keep it firmly in the on position but its hardly a self destruct button ......... :lol:




    Driving the GMC in this weather must be fun :lol:


    mostly pulling off from a standstill really otherwise it's ok, had to be really careful pulling off when it was icy as it just liked to squat and spin the rears :lol:

  6. However, the people saying that turning ESP off will kill you? Learn to drive boys, I never turned ESP on it 6 years of ownership and didnt have it at all in a considerably more powerful series of 200SX's, how those boys with TVRs dont end up in every hedge/bus stop is impressive too. Sure, if youre not confident then keep it firmly in the on position but its hardly a self destruct button ......... :lol:



  7. You're clearly going to do whatever you want anyway, arguing with genuine, correct and helpful advice with idiotic logic you've pulled from your backside to justify a stupid idea. Why would you want to make it easier for someone to get into an accident with you? Or give your insurers a reason to not pay out if you are in an accident?! When you ring your insurers, please record the conversation.

  8. If the value of the gift is greater than £34 you need to pay import tax.







    It doesn't matter if it's a gift from the lord God your saviour himself. If it's worth more than £34 you're liable to import tax. If you're going to mark it down, that's up to you, but don't pretend you're perfectly 100% in the clear. Just because you gave the money to your mate Joseph who sent it by bottle in the ocean to Jeremiah who rolled it down the hill to the seller doesn't change the value of the item.

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  9. Because I ship with a logistics company.


    I self declare what the goods are (gift,purchase, etc)


    And I also self declare the value of the items.


    I have a property maintenance company, and occasionally we internationally ship landlords belongings etc...


    So I will be sending myself a gift from america in February 😂


    If the value of the gift is greater than £34 you need to pay import tax. Those are significantly more expensive than £34.


    A formal customs declaration is required if the entire consignment is worth more than £750. If you bring in two at the same time you'll need to do that.


    Customs duty is due if the value of the parcel is over £135. Those are worth more than £135.


    If you're going to commit tax fraud, I probably wouldn't boast about it on a public forum...

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