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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Sky flew their helicopter over it yesterday and it was empty, no activity..
  2. Clarkson to report to a disciplinary panel at the BBC.. Anybody care to predict the outcome..??
  3. From a member on here, and it now gone to another member on here. and Welcome to The Forum.
  4. Newsnight on BBC tonight at 10.30 is about Clarkson..!! What happened to the Wars I was following and the rise of ISIS...Well I suppose the BBC think Clarkson can do them more damage than ISIS at the moment.. :surrender:
  5. or the lack of it At least it was something important I think if the produce hadn't sorted out his dinner he deserved a slap..!!
  6. Looks like it was all over dinner..!! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/11463383/Jeremy-Clarkson-suspended-after-punching-Top-Gear-producer-in-row-over-catering.html
  7. Clarkson's petition web site has almost got to the 500,000 mark and in true Top Gear fashion its just "CRASHED"..!! :lol:
  8. Almost 400,000 people have signed the petition so far they are expecting at least half a million by this evening.
  9. The joys of owning any car I'm afraid..!!
  10. NOBODY HAS SAID HE HIT SOMEBODY..!!! :scare: PS..I'm an over forty thicko as well...
  11. They just interview Clarkson just as he was leaving his house. He told the reporters "he was just popping down the job center.".!! :lol:
  12. There's a couple of Wars going on in the World.. and headlines on all lunchtime news broadcasts....CLARKSON... :surrender: Didn't he give Piers Morgan a slap a while back..!!
  13. Welcome to The Land of Zed. Where do you put the kids then...? boot
  14. If you want to sign it please do, if you dont ..don't shoot the messenger....! https://www.change.org/p/bbc-reinstate-jeremy-clarkson
  15. Bit of chaos at Sauber this morning..!!! Sauber have been rocked just days before the Australian Grand Prix after a court ruled that the Dutch driver Giedo van der Garde should be able to race for them at Melbourne this Sunday. Van der Garde maintains that Sauber promised him a seat this season but reneged on the deal and a short time ago the Victorian Supreme Court backed him throwing the team’s preparations for the first race of the new season into chaos. Sauber immediately appealed the decision and the case will be heard again in a few hours time. Their preferred driver line-up is Marcus Ericsson and Felipe Nasr.
  16. Will they or wont they...? http://www.msn.com/en-gb/cars/news/jeremy-clarkson-petition-calls-for-bbc-to-bring-back-suspended-top-gear-host/ar-AA9BX78?ocid=U305DHP
  17. See my post at no 44.. Yes it's more than likely it is, but we will never know for certain.
  18. Keep the windows shut..!!! :scare:
  19. The Bosses at the Beeb are queuing up to do this again. :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=g_p8AZzVmWI
  20. Only license payer's or Sky can afford it, and Sky don't want it..!!! im sure history UK could front it the same as the US top gear That will get top viewers on History UK and make it an attractive program to sell on..!! NOT..!! The marketing and spin off of videos, merchandising, endorsements etc is huge dont see that working on History UK... :surrender:
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