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Posts posted by Pnthrblkzs

  1. Welcome, and congrats on your new zed.


    I plan to use kaiser motors for my servicing etc and I live no where near them, plenty of great reviews about them on this site.




    For the window I'd try the window reset procedure yourself before getting a garage to look at it, search so Dow reset and there are plenty of posts.

    It is common for the window motors to fail on these cars though but fingers crossed for you.


    For the arm rest take it off and see if you can repair it at all, if not pm ZMANALEX for any spares you need.







  2. If we have a sunny day any time soon you are welcome to swing by Eastleigh and we can go out in mine. There is no point in the wet as i haven't got round to changing the budgets the previous owner fitted to mine before i bought it, i can't drive it with the traction control on in the wet as it activates sooooo often.


    When i was looking for a new car in October i narrowed my search to either a 3.0 Z4, and S2000 or my Zed. I'd still like either of the other too tbh and will own an S2000 one day i think.


    Stumbled across your S2000 on Gumtree last night, looks very clean.



  3. I park mine in the biggest spaces possible or in the car corners of car parks.


    I do this because I'm 6ft 4 though and those long doors are a bugger to squeeze through with someone parked up against your car.


    You can't worry a out people damaging your car all the time, there will always be that one time you forgot to park away from people and someone dings your car.

  4. Never heard of anything like this, i like to keep my cars looking clean and tidy, i started to read up on various products on detailing world and several forums i visit but found myself lost with the hundreds of products available.


    Something like this would be a good idea to try new products out.


    I always fear with things like this you would end up getting a load of products that the companies struggle to sell though?

  5. I'm glad it's sorted and hope it doesn't happen again.


    Oddly I took mine to a jet wash last night, went to start it when I was done and nothing, no clicking from the battery, no turning over just nothing.


    Popped the bonnet immediately thinking I'd soaked something in the engine bay but all seemed fine, including the battery. Anyway I closed the bonnet and tried again to start the car and it's been fine since.


    I'll stick to hand washing in future.

  6. Have a good read of the buyers guide.


    2 things I've since learnt after buying mine were to have a look at the aux & air con belts, they are early visable in the engine bay, had I noticed I would have haggled more on the price of mine.


    Also, and this is a biggie, check that the tyres not only have a decent tread but are a decent brand (have a read on some of the tyre threads on this forum for "preferred" tyres for the Z). Mine had brand new tyres all round when I bought the car, I checked the depth on the tyres but didnt consider checking they were a good brand, I'll need to spend the best part of £800 getting new tyres when I can. For now I can't enjoy the car as much as I'd like.


    You're certainly in the right place to research your potential purchase.

  7. I used the wheel specialist also for mine. Obviously they are a franchise so opinions vary but i used the Fareham branch who were spot on. I did find them expensive and was recommended other places by locals on this forum who also had a good reputation and provided a much cheaper quote, but after taking into account travelling further and being without a car for a few days they seemed the best option.


    Just shop around and ask what you will get for your money.


    As said though ask if there is a chance of any discount, i think i managed 20%



  8. I had my wheels refurb'd on a same day service and although i had to pay extra for the priviledge it was worth it as at the time it would have cost me money not having a car.


    Also, although i've never had wheels freshly refurb'd with a paint finish before to compare it too, the powdercoated finish is excellent in my opinion. It's so easy to clean even without a wheel cleaner they wipe down nicely with normal car shampoo and minimal effort.

  9. Thanks, that's exactly what I started to do. It's difficult to do with the calipers still being on the car and the bad weather. I started to do it using the cocktail stick method and will finish it when the weather is dryer and warm.

  10. Good guide, i don't know anything about the steering lock issue on 370's tbh but thought i'd share.


    I used to have an early '55' reg E90 BMW 3 series and these were prone to steering lock failures, i read on the BMW forums that this problem is worse/caused by parking with the wheels turned. I always straightened the wheels when parking.


    Probably won't be helpful to anyone but you never know, it could be a similar fault.

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