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Posts posted by Mega

  1. I never understood why people take wheels off for the winter.... :unsure:


    A buckey of hot soapy water couple of times a week and a good coat of protective wax always works for me...... :thumbs: .




    Personally, to fit winters ;)

  2. lol!


    An accident is always an accident. An accident is when something you didn't mean to happen happens. The official definition from google is:


    an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss


    So all crashes are accidents: Outside of the possibility of a deliberate crash, etc.


    So whilst I take your point, I disagree due to the way I'd define the term 'accident' in the first place :) All crashes are accidents. You need to consider the difference between "doing something on purpose" and "an accident". If I drive like a tit and smack a tree; IT's still an accident. I unintentially smacked a tree. Similarly if I slip and fall over whilst walking to the shops, I didn't *HAVE* to walk to the shops. I could have stayed in a white padded cell and rocked back and forth. But the slipping is still an accident. I didn't choose to hurt myself, even though I took on the risk of the possiblity of hurting myself due to going to the shops.


    And if I was just staying in that white padded cell, rocking; I could have picked up whiplash. That'd be an accident too. I didn't need to rock back and forth but I still didn't want whiplash!


    Consider the english Indy car driver who unfortunately died 2 weeks ago. He was partaking in motor racing. It doesn't mean that what happened to him wasn't accidental ?!?!?


    So I think this is utter rubbish really :)


    Not that I'm putting this on you at all; but: It's this kind of ridiculous argument, imho, that leads to heath and safety lobbyists slowly but surely destroying all inclination of 'fun' left in our society due to the desire for mitigation of risk and for being able to blame someone for everything. Please won't someone think of the children (etc..). Your very definition seems to be "an accident is only an accident if there's nobody to blame". I'd flip this around and say, that insurance companies, lawyers etc: Want to define everything with a root cause, and get away from the possibility that anything can just be unfortunate; Because then the party responsible for that root cause can be sued.



  3. Sticking it on to the existing plate will be fine but look naff.


    But it sounds like those bolts have been cheesed. Get a titanium drill bit and go through the middle of them. Won't take long.

  4. 335d is the best of both worlds. 30-40mpg, and with a remap considerably faster than the old Z. That is definitely where my money would be going if you can scrape 14k together.


    There are quite a few members cars coming up for sale on E90post which you could consider looking at rather than a randomer on PH, AT etc... http://www.e90post.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=22


    To answer your other questions though: The 164bhp doesn't have a DPF and therefore if you remap it (I did. Got it up to 212bhp) it will smoke quite alot. Not so much a problem for you, just those behind you.

    The flip side is the 177: The DPF could fail. Incurring a bill of circa 1k to replace. Same applies to the rest of the diesels from 07 onwards.


    A plus for the 177 though is that it's got better looking exhausts; stop start technology and several other factors leading to significantly better mpg than the 164 and finally the turbo is much stronger. There is quite a precident now for the 164's mitsu turbo blowing prematurely (Har har).



  5. Going rate for an SE 320D from 05 is about 7k. 8200-8400 for an M Sport. Tops. 9k is too much. Trade in value for that car is only 6k.


    I just sold my highly modified 320d for 9k. It was listed for 8300 private sale but someone went for the bits and pieces bolted on too.


    If you have any specific questions let me know.

  6. Wait. I assumed this was private sale until now.


    If the finance is not in THEIR NAME then they SHOULD NOT BE SELLING IT.


    The private owner should have settled the finance when handing it over to a trader.


    Why on earth is a trader selling a car with finance still on it. This is illegal.


    Steer clear. They are obviously idiots.




    Selling a car with outstanding finaince is normal practise. In fact I did this last week. But this only applies when its private sale. The private seller and dealer hsould have already resolved any outstanding finance. It is nothing to do with you.

  7. It's just my opinion that momo gear is somewhat to the chav end of the spectrum..


    I seem to remember a metallic pink bodykitted saxo that was fully laden with the stuff but can't find a topic to link now.


    As I said don't get me wrong it looks better than stock. It's just a brand I personally don't much like :wacko:

  8. Put it in gear so it stops agains the gearbox, then put the handbrake on and see if that solves it? :shrug:


    Have you tried disabling the tilt/ultrasonics yet?


    Yeah I could try leaving it in gear. Nope, not tried disabling the ultrasonics yet. It's going to the dealers on Tues so I'll leave them to work it out I think!


    The thing is, it goes for days without doing it...then suddenly it went off twice last night. 4am wake up, awesome :rant:


    Do you live near one of these? :lol:


    Ha, no! :lol:



    Is happening when the air is still, or at least no appreciable wind blowing?


    It's never been especially windy. What's even stranger is that last week there was TORRENTIAL rain one night, the hardest rain I've seen in ages. It woke us up, and it set a couple of car alarms off down the street....but not mine :blink:



    At least it's your car waking you up. Imagine what the neighbours must think ;)


    Not helping I know... :#1:

  9. Grrrrrr,


    It woz you tmjak.


    My real hate bout ebay, spent the last 2 mins wasting bids between 21 & £50 when the max bid already in was £53, ran out of time to catch up so lost out by £3.


    Never got to grips with this about ebay, they miss out with this system cause I would have bid a little more.


    Wonder who won it?



    Surely you put in the maximum you would pay, then if you win it, you win it for the lowest possible below that, and if it goes for more, you're not bothered.



    Why would anyone bid less than they're willing to pay, then moan about not winning it? :wacko:


    Because they don't understand ebay.


    ...Or possibly basic grammar :bangin:

  10. The problem for me, is that momo is synonymous with saxo. but nevertheless an inprovement on stock.


    Now, if it said "Nismo" rather than "momo" I'd consider it myself :)


    Must. Resist. Urge. To. Mod...

  11. Is "cheese and sausages" not the name of one of the strip clubs in Southend?



    OT: I only live 30mins away, so no point trying to join a convoy. I'll meet yas there.


    ps. The valet center next door (Over the rainbow) is superb. I've known the owner for 15 years almost. I'd well recommend you pop in there if you want a post hoon clean up before you park up for the meet and pic taking, etc.

  12. Hi I've managed to search and follow a few weight saving tips already, mainly I've lost weight with a new (Milltek) exhaust and Berk HFCs so there's at least some significant weight reduction there. I've also ditched the spare wheel and tools, next on the list is definitely alloys as I have 18" OEMs which are relatively heavy, but after that I am a bit lost as to where I can save some more weight. I know the battery could be the next area, but after that I'm clutching at straws - what else have you guys done to save some pounds? I was thinking about seats too but I love my orange leathers too much! Any advice welcome, I have a non-GT Zed! :thumbs:


    Eat less pies?

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