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Posts posted by Luke0549

  1. It might have been a far better approach not to have suggested some people were talking bullshit and had their heads too far up their own arses from the outset. This place is a great resource for sharing information and on balance during the 3 and a bit years I've been here Japspeed has had more than it's fair share of quality issues and it is therefore fair to point that at out to the OP, you have had 2 systems and you seem to be have been luckier than most. That was all that was needed as an explanation. Unfortunately Japspeed does not have a very good reputation here and that is based on our experiences. Fact.


    People I have come across do have their heads up their own arse when it comes to brands. - Although ild like to point out, as stated previously, that was not aimed at individuals.

    They will dismiss certain products even though they have never had first hand experience which is wrong.


  2. So state your opinion and don't go around insulting people and getting sweary?


    Everyone's entitled to an opinion......if you want to big up the placticine welded fart can then do it but dont have a go at others for having an opinion which is also based on fact.


    Hang on, I think you are taking this a lot more personally that it needs to be Ricey.

    I haven't insulted anyone individually, and I'm not getting sweary?


    Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion. And I'm not having a go at anyone?

    My opinion is based on my own personal experience with the products. - perfect.There very few who have had this experience. - I'm pretty sure if you asked every japspeed customer, there would be more satisfied than unsatisfied. If there wasn't, they wouldn't be trading/be able to do a great deal of marketing/advertisement/ sponsors.


    For the quality and price, japspeed wins. That's why I bought one.-Wrong Japspeed quality is generally poor and the prices are far more than they were and should be - I paid £100 for mine. That is a good price in my eyes.


    If another more superior brand was the same price. I would buy that. Superior brands are expensive due to the production procedures, thats why they fit well and don't fall apart after a year or two etc agreed with the first half of this statement. Althought mine is yet to fall apart so I can't comment on the latter.


    Just like why people buy the 350z as apposed to the 370z. Pretty much does the same job, one is cheaper and don't see the need for a 370z. But if the 370z was cheaper, they would buy it as its a better quality product. Wrong- I bought mines as the 370z wasnt out at the time. other buys it because thats what they can afford or want to spend. exactly. Summed up right there. Can afford or want to spend. When two unneccesary upgrade products do the same job, in my eyes it seems pointless to pay double/triple for the better one.


    Don't get me wrong, I agree japspeed isn't the greatest. But it's far from dreadful.

  3. So state your opinion and don't go around insulting people and getting sweary?


    Everyone's entitled to an opinion......if you want to big up the placticine welded fart can then do it but dont have a go at others for having an opinion which is also based on fact.


    Hang on, I think you are taking this a lot more personally that it needs to be Ricey.

    I haven't insulted anyone individually, and I'm not getting sweary?


    Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion. And I'm not having a go at anyone?

    My opinion is based on my own personal experience with the products. - perfect.


    For the quality and price, japspeed wins. That's why I bought one.

    If another more superior brand was the same price. I would buy that.


    Just like why people buy the 350z as apposed to the 370z. Pretty much does the same job, one is cheaper and don't see the need for a 370z. But if the 370z was cheaper, they would buy it as its a better quality product.

  4. Sorry, but bullshit.


    I've had a k1 and now have a k2.


    K1 sounded awesome, but wanted something more subtle for a daily driver, so got a k2.


    Both look and sound fantastic with no fitment issues.


    All this talk about them being poor is bollocks.


    Some people have got their heads too firmly up their own arse.


    Different strokes for different folks........I've heard plenty of K1's and they sound utterly hideous.......but only for my taste others love it.


    We've seen welds rotting, fitment nightmares, baffles rattling (i think). Basically it's a case of you get what you pay for.......some break lucky.....others don't.


    It's not about having your head up your arse.......Japspeed very specifically are one of the lowest quality brands available for the zed. That's a fact........however they're also one of the cheapest.


    Do it nice or blow up mice! ;-)


    A k1 at full chat on a track sounds amazing, which can be verified by lots of members on here.


    I've had 2, and haven't experienced any of those problems? I know others who have japspeed, and again, have never had any issues. I think it's a handful that have come out poor? But this happens to every product ever produced.


    It seems people look down on the japspeed, a lot like car badge snobs - so my quote of people having their heads up their own arse is relevant.


    Why should I go and spend £500+ on an exhaust, when I can get one that does the same job, still sounds better than standard, and doesn't rust/rot/break for a fifth of the cost?

  5. Sorry, but bullshit.


    I've had a k1 and now have a k2.


    K1 sounded awesome, but wanted something more subtle for a daily driver, so got a k2.


    Both look and sound fantastic with no fitment issues.


    All this talk about them being poor is bollocks.


    Some people have got their heads too firmly up their own arse.

  6. So so far from this thread;

    you've got a mass produced media sticker trying to make you out to be something you are not.

    and that you've damaged your car not even relating to a HOONIGAN incident?!


    Get some drift lessons first!!


  7. Even if you repaired it to the cost of £2000+, when you come to sell it, it will be worth £5k-6k. as mine is. Unless of course, take the £6k, buy yourself a daily run about, put the remainder of the money in the bank 'for a rainy day' and slowly, over the next year, turn the 350z into a track weapon.

  8. ild take the £8350 and start again. I was nearly in this situation in may. I decided to not go through insurance as for me, being 21, would have crippled me on insurance until im 25. If that's not a worry for you, then do insurance.

  9. I am not a fan ether but diamond cut alloys just remind me of Halfords black/silver specials.


    If you like them though then all is good, not my car :D


    Maybe if they were just one single colour?

  10. I was looking for a FI, but I don't have all the knowledge in the world.

    I would just buy a TT/SC set up and take it to a garage and ask to fit.

    I would learn as I went along. Obviously you need some knowledge, but the majority of that should be gained when researching it.

    Such as not buying Godspeed!


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