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Posts posted by coldel

  1. I am actually finding myself driving SLOWER now I have this, I almost don't feel the need to give it the boot when I know it will blow away chaff like 318's etc. Any reason to drive it and I am out there and away 'need something from the supermarket hon?' - 'ok let me go get it for you...' :lol:


    Walking towards the house last night and saw a guy with his girl slowing right down to have a look at it as well, just had a proper shine wax clay etc so was looking mint. She seemed utterly unimpressed as he walked at snails pace having a look at it...!

  2. Two black aluminum tax disc holders = £40

    Black front and back badges = £45

    Stubby aerial = £10

    iPhone holder = £10

    Cassette to iPhone adapter = £15




    Rear Axle Click fix = £300

    New clutch and flywheel to come = £600

    Replacement front bumper to come = £150 circa?

    New tyres on the rear = £200


    The fixes are far outweighing the mods at the moment! :surrender:

  3. I had the clicky back axle problem, try pulling away in higher revs in first, stopping hard on the brakes then putting it in reverse and pulling away - that usually gets it clanking away. My brother had a look at mine and saw that there was no movement on the inner axle but a bit on the outer part so we needed a replacement CV joint. Alex will sort you out a replacement CV part for the clanking if it is the rear axle problem. Really annoying after a while and well worth getting it sorted out.

  4. Anyone got any pics of 40 profile on standard 18 inch wheels? I am quite interested in looking at this but am worried it will just look odd as the wheel/tyre combo already looks a little 'lost' in the wheel arches as it is.

  5. Just for reference, the clacking sound was the clicky axle which Alex's part fixed which is great.


    The shhh sound was actually coming from the front wheel not the back and was where a back plate was bent and rubbing the back of the disc. A quick hand behind there and some elbow grease and all fixed!

  6. Might try the tape wrap solution, my one is utterly useless as the second my finger catches the edge it just comes out the hole. Rubbish engineering Nissan!


    Might even be worth 'building my own' to go in there, could be fun!

  7. This looks interesting, I have that same layout in my GT UK spec 04 plate Zed, do I need an adapter in the same way? I have an iPhone 3gs...tried pairing it but nothing happened, but then again I really don't know what I am doing...

  8. Its bugging the hell out of me, it just flaps about in the hole it sits in, is useless really, its not secured down in anyway. Any suggestions on what I can use that dinky space for? Are there any replacement parts that can go in there that provide a more useful cubby or the like?

  9. Good stuff! Im heading to Cornwall for a bit of a road trip with the wife on Monday for a few days...hoping the weather holds out. Planning on a visit to Falmouth, drive through the moors, plus a bit of coastal road driving. Should be a good few days.

  10. Cheers mate, not only was I unsure on the badge placement (which took about 5 attempts to line up with masking tape and bits of cardboard!) but it does make the black car look very black...I am thinking (once I fix the clutch!) that black wheels with some sort of silver rim would go nicely on it too...

  11. Nothing too drastic but took a little risk on placement of the 350Z badge, think it came out ok. Black badge on the front as well to complete the look, don't have a photo though as it took so long getting the Nissan adhesive off it had gotten dark!


    (apologies for the iPhone photo quality)



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