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Everything posted by NeilMH

  1. The best way of deflating this type of comment is to ignore it, join in the joke, or take him down your favourite b road in it. People who make these comments are the same brigade who tell you that they drove from Cornwall to Newcastle and back again overnight, then answered 300 emails at 3 oc in the morning and have arguments with other similar people as to who has the largest wedding equipment..... you can rise imperiously above it. My main car is a 1992 Toyota Corolla 1.3 auto - I just let the comments go over my head as they all race past.
  2. . If you have a look towards the top of the Frequently Asked Questions section you will find pretty much everything you need to know. The search box should answer most questions not answered there.
  3. Sounds more like the original Europa hopefully (?) - I also considered one of the later ones before buying the Z. The BMW track incident looks quite dodgy
  4. In the public grass car park at breakfast meeting.
  5. Thanks for the kind comments Will - it was just luck that I cleaned it yesterday! I have to make up for my lack of mods with shinyness. I thought this was one of the best yet. Some of the GRRC members' cars were truly beautiful. There was the most stunning 4.5 litre Bentley I think I've ever seen. The Carrera GT and Zonda seemed to attract a lot of drooling. I particularly liked the new Abarth 500 parked next to the original 500 - it made it look like a toy. The Mk1 RS, the very early Cooper S, the red Alvis.....I am going to have to have a lie down and massage with an oily rag. Will - I notice that the theme for April is "Soft Top Sunday". Does that mean the Coupes can't go in?
  6. Marianne Faithfull ... likes a drink and .. you can fill in the rest.
  7. Hoping to be there with any amount of luck, albeit with a diversion to pick someone else up. I'm on a bit of a tight schedule so I am going to be down there quite early. Really enjoy these and have been to many. Nearly got stranded there in the Caterham once following a sudden snowstorm (we pushed/slid it sideways off the road into a farm entrance to avoid being wiped out by incompetents coming down the hill from the north). At another where we met a guy who had bought an telegraph pole lorry off ebay for £500 to restore, much to the surprise his wife. Asked him why and he said why not! Would definitely try and attend in future if there was an organised club run down there.
  8. This is really interesting stuff.... which is what I had hoped. Sometimes someone can just say one simple thing and it makes a big difference
  9. Ah What I meant was ........oh well, what the hell. Very amusing.
  10. Mine was - "The apex is always later than you think it is"
  11. All of the above are making me feel so much better. It's hard to choose a favourite! Zugara's is still the most diabolical IMHO. There is something about the Z rolling towards the hedge (with crazed owner trying to throw themselves in to pull the handbrake on) that I find particularly amusing The nature and scale of some of the others are putting my errors into perspective. No need for me to continue with the therapy and tablets any more
  12. The Reliant Scimitar trumps the Pink Corsa. depending on what the R8 is like when it finally gets back from Vauxhall. You would think an AX would be written off even if struck a glancing blow by an Amoeba's Beret Label ... how annoying.
  13. This reminds me of that Monty Python 4 Yorkshiremen sketch....you think that's bad... I used to etc.... The only trouble is someone is going to have to come up with something truly unbelievable to top Zugara's story. Their entire family will have had to have to have been kidnapped by the Russian Mafia in an FSO Polonez or someone will have had to have their wedding tackle ripped off by a flying wing fragment when trying to change the inboard brakes on a 2CV or similar.
  14. It will be a challenge to see if anyone can top Zugara's posting... sounds horrific...and very considerably less amusing than those that preceded it.
  15. What on earth did you put on it?! Well....it just shows its all a matter of opinion. I fitted the LSS kit developed by Lotus from the S2 to fit the S1. Virtually 100% of the people who bought it said it was a vast improvement and said the original suspension made the car look like it was on stilts. I beg to differ. The S2 was a substantially heavier car. IMHO the kit eliminated one of the key advantages of the original spec - ride quality. So the original Konis/springs sometimes sounded like billiard balls rattling but I would have retrieved them from the dump with my bare hands if I could.
  16. Oh yes... we are off to a great start Trust me... this will be very therapeutic
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