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Posts posted by yankeesiter

  1. Ekona



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    Posted Yesterday, 09:45

    snapback.pnghowardl, on 05 November 2012 - 21:27, said:



    1. If you're only driving it remotely quickly then you'll have no problems sticking to the limits, will you?

    2. Speeding tickets are not inevitable, they are all avoidable very easily.

    3. If you are struggling to keep to the limits then you're possibly the worst driver I've ever come across.






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    Posted 04 October 2012 - 18:07

    Lands End to John O'Groats in one day, then tour the Highlands.


    Isle of Man, just all of it.



    Best driving roads anywhere IMHO, those two.


    HHHhhhhmmm. You're right. I probably don't drive properly otherwise I wouldn't get 28mpg.

  2. As speed limits come down due to the activities of organisations like BRAKE, it begs the question of why own a powerful car that only gets 28mpg unless you're going to track it or show off your engine in some car park.


    Might as well buy one of these.



  3. Sorry, but he is wrong. Even Nissan recommends this to be done and there is no solid connection between the drive shafts and the diff as 350Z has an independent suspension at the rear so there is no "pre-load" on the diff by the shafts.

    Nevertheless, I'm inclined to leave it unless there could be potential damage. I can put up with the occasional click

  4. Guy up the road has a new Jaguar XKR-S, new price £103k. For that money I'd have a GTR for £20k less and better performance. Can't speak for depreciation and running costs though, but it seems a fairer comparison than to compare it to a 350. :bangin:

  5. In towns, slow down for every intersection and be prepared for another car to come in from the right. They have "priorite a droite", (priority on the right) in France, Belgium, Holland and Denmark that I know of. You must give way to traffic entering an intersection from the right unless they have a give way sign or double lines painted on the road. Even if there are flashing yellow lights on each intersecting road, priority on the right still operates.


    Since the late 70's, early 80's when they changed their roundabout system to give way on entry like ours, they have gradually reduced the amount of priority on the right intersections in towns. Ironically this has made the situation more dangerous as you don't know which ones are and which aren't. So, my advice would be slow down to a crawl just to make sure, even if it annoys everyone else.


    Hopefully these countries will soon creep into the 21st century. Rules like these are not just part of the cultural differences we go to enjoy like the chateaux, museums, wine, sun, motoring and motor racing. They are, at the least, expensive when things go tits up and life threatening at the worst.



  6. I hear what you say about only being interested in the headlight question but don't forget to delete speed camera warnings off your sat nav if you have one. It's a new one this year together with the removal of signs warning you of cameras in advance, plus the installation of 400 new ones. Big fines and confiscation involved if you're a bad boy.



  7. :wacko: Other European countries do not have anywhere near the amount of free health care that we do!


    Are they all a bit like America then? what's an example of what I wouldn't get in say,Germany that I would here?


    France is excellent for health care but then they pay a lot of taxes. When they go for medical treatment or get prescriptions, they may pay a percentage of the costs but then claim them back through private insurance. I've been in hospital there a couple of times and can't speak highly enough of them as I can't speak highly enough of the treatment I've recently had in Norwich.


    Other than that, you can go to America. They have excellent doctors and hospitals if you want to take a chance on whether or not your private insurance will pay up which I understand can cost around $800 per couple per month. :thumbs:

  8. Fair enough just wondered, also as it is already insured how does that work? There has to be a 'but' somewhere there always is even with the most cunning of plans....


    Say the other person decides to run the car uninsured and you have it insured and they crash it?


    When you buy a car off someone, you go and get yourself an insurance policy and that car on the day you pick it up has two completely separate insurance policies on it at the same time for different people. Completely legal and clean as long as you do not lie about ownership status if you do not actually purchase the vehicle. There is nothing stopping you buying your own insurance on a friend's/relative's/any car you wish on the premise that you think there might be a time when you would have to drive it. There's nothing stopping you going and buying yourself insurance on a Ferrari you saw on TV as long as you have over the money.


    I've seen it done before (although it will not work in most cases price-wise) where buying two policies can be cheaper than one on its own :)


    Two companies I spoke to said you could NOT comprehensively insure a car belonging to someone else to test drive it in anticipation of a purchase. What you have to do is get the owner to put you on as a named driver for the minimum period.

  9. I was listening to Radio 4's "Any Answers today when they were talking about the tanker driver's dispute. Some guy phoned in to say that, although he got pretty good mileage anyway, he decided to drive that little bit more carefully.


    Upon checking his computer, he learned that he was getting 99.9mpg AND it said he could go 1400 miles before filling up. "Advice for us all", as Jonathan Dimbleby tactfully said.


    Below is the link and if you move the cursor to over the "D" you will hear the relevant part quickly.





  10. I drove past the local garage near where I work this morning and they have upp`d their price of diesel to 150.9 per litre in order to cash in on the panic buying. Last night they were queuing down the road causing massive traffic jams trying to buy it.


    Luckily I filled up the shed on Tues night for 143.9 a litre. But, with the mileage I do, i`ll be refilling that over the weekend.


    Supply and demand. Basic tenant of capitalism. :thumbs:


    I'm a resident of capitalism ;)


    +1 Guess we just have to wait until we're in a position to screw over everyone else - bit like the tanker drivers. B)

  11. I drove past the local garage near where I work this morning and they have upp`d their price of diesel to 150.9 per litre in order to cash in on the panic buying. Last night they were queuing down the road causing massive traffic jams trying to buy it.


    Luckily I filled up the shed on Tues night for 143.9 a litre. But, with the mileage I do, i`ll be refilling that over the weekend.


    Supply and demand. Basic tenant of capitalism. :thumbs:

  12. Hi


    I bought this from Gadgetracking on E-bay:


    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... TQ:GB:1123


    Then I bought a 32gb card for £24 which gives 18 hours of recording time.


    Seems to work pretty well and it works at night too.


    Initially I had a few queries about it which Gadgetracking were not very good at helping me with and later I saw another one for around £30 on E-bay but I'm not sure if it was exactly the same ie. perhaps no night capability.

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