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Everything posted by Cal

  1. I'll be down for a bit and bringing a mate who will be wanting as well.
  2. Just donated Rob, but it left my name out somehow! Edit: I edited it!
  3. 1. Mudman - R6 ***, Arriving Friday 11am, Drives Sat & Sun, Accom booked Fri/Sat 2. 350zedd - EY57*** Arriving Friday 4pm Drives Sat & Sun, Accom booked Fri/Sat/Sun 3. Zedd - EX54*** Arriving Friday 4pm Drives Sat & Sun, Accom booked Fri/Sat/Sun 4. SHEZZA + 1 - B9 *** Arriving Friday 12 am, Drives Sat & Sun, Accom booked Fri/Sat 5. ioneabee CV61 *** arrive Fri, drives Sat Sun. Accom booked Fri/Sat 6. Harryjax +1 SKIO *** arriving Fri, drives Sat Sun. Accom Fri, Sat Booked. 7. Pritchard <EnterReg> *** Arriving Saturday Morning No Accom required. 8. 350ZRDev +1-WM53***Arriving Friday, drives Sat and Sun and Friday PM. Fri Sat accom booked. 9. howee 350 arrive Saturday morning, Sat&amp;sunday drives. No accommodation required 10. davedutch de55*** arrive Fri evening for Sat &amp; Sun drives. Will book accommodation tomorrow. 11. N13GEY + wife arriving Friday p.m. Drives Sat, leave Sun a.m. Accom booked Fri/Sat 12. Stoker 11 + wife arriving Fri p.m.Drives Sat and Sun.Accom booked for Fri/Sat. 13 Wendy - Arriving Friday. Drives Sat & Sun. Accom booked, Fri, Sat, Sun. Not sure arrival time on Fri 14 Z370Z +1 CA12 *** arriving fri. Drives Sat and Sun. Accommodation book 15. Jmanji +1 dx54" arriving fri 6pm booked fri/sat drive out sat/ sun. 16. Monkeybrain1234 - L8 *** Arriving Saturday morning, Drives Sat & Sun - Accommodation still to be booked for Sat Night 17.Shenley + wife, B4***, Arr Fri. Drives Sat & Sun. Accommodation booked Fri - Sun. 18. mikey1k +1, MK59 arriving Fri, accommodation booked Fri & Sat 19. The Big Meister +1 YX05 Friday saturday & Subday no accommodation booked 20. chirag1988 + 1 BL08 *** - Arriving early Sat morning and accommodation booked for Sat 16th for one night 21. ap427 + 1 NH57 *** - Arriving early Sat morning and accommodation booked for Sat 16th for one night 22. Cal - Arriving Sat show/shine, Sunday drive/tail off after Betws lunch. 23. Luke p12 *** no accom 24. -Bradders- + 1 PL04 *** - Arriving early Sat morning and accommodation booked for Sat 16th for one night 25. Jay +1 J**_1R Arriving friday afternoon, no accommodation required. 26. NWZ + 1 OY10....Drive Sun no accommodation required... 27. Andyvvc + 1 Fri and Sat accommodation booked. ***CAMERA WORK ONLY*** (no drives out) 28. DudeUK +1 Drives Saturday & Sunday, & Sunday Lunch 29. Sianny +1 Drives Saturday & Sunday, & Sunday Lunch
  4. I get my detailing mate to do mine! Though I'm going to have to learn how to keep on top of it! No mate, same shadow chrome colour - just hard for the camera to pick up when the focus is on the bright white... More pics to follow Thanks for the kind words mate Cheers Veeg My mate did a full detail of the car today... As far as I know, it was corrected using a machine, snow foam/rinse, wash with mitt/rinse, apply sealant.
  5. Great job and lovely colour on the wheels.
  6. From what I've seen I'm very happy, hopefully when I see it in the metal I'll feel the same. Thanks dude I've only seen it in low lights in the metal, and I wasn't overly impressed! I hope in daylight it looks like the sample I chose as it was lovely! Cheers mate Thanks mate I really can't wait, doing physio like a mad man at home and popping all sorts of joint health pills haha, hopefully the foot will be good to drive very, very soon!
  7. Day 1 Sat am Chirk >>Aberdovey >> Chirk RED 1. AMBER 1. Chirag1988 2. Bradders 3. Jmanji 4. Ap274 5. Davedutch 6. Wendy 7. Z370Z 8. Harryjax 9. Monkeybrain1234 GREEN 1. Mudman (Lanterne Rouge) 2. 350ZRDev 3. Stoker11 4. Shenley Day 2 Sun am Chirk >>Bettws-y Coed RED 1. AMBER 1. Chirag1988 2. Bradders 3. Jmanji 4. Ap274 5. Wendy 6. Davedutch 7. Z370Z 8. Harryjax 9. Monkeybrain1234 GREEN 1. Mudman (Lanterne Rouge) 2. 350ZRDev 3. Stoker11 4. Shenley 5. Cal - possibly still mildly crippled, tailing off after lunch as I live locally. Sun after lunch stop Bettws-y Coed >> Chirk RED 1. AMBER 1. Chirag1988 2. Bradders 3. Jmanji 4. Ap274 5. Wendy 6. Davedutch 7. Z370Z 8. Monkeybrain1234 GREEN 1. Mudman (Lanterne Rouge) 2. 350ZRDev 3. Stoker11 4. Shenley
  8. Definitely! The whole car is dustier than a... Well, it's very dusty
  9. Haha! I'd like to drive it first mate if that's ok? We'll discuss the finer details at Wales Cheers Papa S It's pretty much exactly like the several hundred Photoshops I made - if it looks anything like it does in the pics below (I haven't seen it yet!) I'll be ecstatic Here's the pics I've been sent this afternoon - few little bits and finishing the paint correction tomorrow... Then it's mine! To look at on the drive till my ankle recovers Front; Back; Exhaust needs a polish! Z Works headlights; 370z side repeaters; Modified Chargespeed vents to reflect Nismo 370z;
  10. Cheers Dave! I have 'complete' pics... Will upload them later. Here's a taster; https://fbcdn-photos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-0/11205959_10155469302645461_4891178318347306169_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=927fa6c18c88b930151a3beb1db05810&oe=55CA7061&__gda__=1439122484_2fbfd40c7696f6bd920f0ea92312ce00
  11. 2 months without mine hasn't been pleasant... I admire your patience! Hope Emerald are more capable in sorting your requirements, the Shed boys just need to use the hammer more
  12. Cheers Doogy! I hope it does Gixx! I'll admit I was disappointed seeing it in low, non direct light G - I've had a look at Darren's thread and it is absolutely amazing! Totally in awe of it and the work gone into it. Zedd/Dave - good news on the ankle front, cast is off and somehow I appear to have got away with a very bad sprain. I can walk for a while, going to be doing physio everyday at home. I will 100% be there for the show and shine Saturday, and if my foot holds up I'll do the big drive Sunday
  13. Thanks for all the well wishes boys (apart from Bradders lol) The car body is now corrected and is like glass - he also corrected my roof, I forgot what a lovely colour it was! (Renault black gold) When I first saw the car I was actually disappointed with the colour, it just looked like a regular, clean white... But this was in the storage shed - low light, no direct sunlight or electrical lighting. When the colour gets any kind of direct light it goes from a clean, crisp white to a lovely warm, creamy pearl with loads of fleck. Best of both worlds and the reason I picked this colour, in low lights all the others looked grey/dull. The car will be built up by Tuesday ready for all the other bits to be corrected/sealed. I also get to find out tomorrow if I'm going to be in plaster or not come the Wales meet
  14. Cheers boys, me too... Can't believe my luck waiting so long to have the car done, and now I can't even drive it!
  15. Yeah I'm pretty gutted boys, I'd love to say something really manly... But it was just football. Mid air bad tackle put me off balance causing me to land on it and roll it under myself. Heard it pop! Regarding Wales, I'm hoping the lad painting the car will drive me to the show and shine in my Z on the Saturday
  16. Not a huge amount of progress, but progress none the less... Spoiler has finally took paint after attempting 5 times and as many methods! Base; Blade; My mate the painter got onto flatting the body today - unsure on the process, but he knows what he's doing finishing and sealing the body tomorrow. Due to shift work on my mates behalf (doing it as a favour for me) I'm scheduled to get it back early next week... I would be dead excited... BUT... I went and did the below. Ruptured anterior talofibular ligament - aka 6 weeks in plaster, aka likely no Wales meet for me, driving at least. Devastated is not the word.
  17. Haha! Well a shower wasn't very high on my to do list after pinging that Having a wash is now a military operation, so I've decided not to bother washing at all for the full duration of my cast being on
  18. Well, now my attendance is in major doubt... and it's not the Z's fault either! What the NHS describe as a bad sprain, my physio says it's a textbook ruptured anterior talofibular ligament - aka 6 weeks in plaster. Cast is due off for inspection next Thursday, I'll know more then. Worst case scenario, I'll get a friend I trust to drive the Z and meet you guys for the show and shine at the Moreton. Can't link properly on mobile, but pic for those interested haha! https://fbcdn-photos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-0/11070610_10155430023350461_1692349329139839745_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=1349cd65d0a0488a9568b9efeb599383&oe=55D18606&__gda__=1440976249_65e1b92b6230e959d9cc8e01410f38b2
  19. Bradders made this thread so people attending can post pictures of their cars, and their mugs. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/96792-wales-names-to-faces-faces-to-names-cars-to-people-lol/page__st__40
  20. Cool, have you met JAY1R with the Solar Orange Z yet? He has my old V2 spoiler fitted Speaking of spoilers - my V3 spoiler reacted to paint for the 3rd time honestly don't know what's up with it, but extremely frustrating to say the least. Due to the painter working shifts he only has chance to paint on weekends... I'd have had the car a week ago As it stands, another painter is due to have a go at it tomorrow... and the guy on shifts is scheduled to paint correct it Monday.
  21. I'll have a set for sale soon - minus ballasts, one has a hole repaired (100% does not leak) and one has a mount bracket damaged (could perhaps be fixed using your damaged set.) Not sure if these will be of any use to you... Let me know if so.
  22. Nice one Andy, the camera car will show us all up! Very nice.
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