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Posts posted by tez162003

  1. So i have spent the weekend working and sleeping, but found some time to paint, decal, and rebuild my calipers.


    I wont go into all the details, just bung up some pictures with a few notes.


    My painting station... :lol:



    Base coat on



    Oh, little bit of a metallic pearl coming on.



    Let the Brembo'ing begin





    Outside they go again for the 4th layer of paint, clear coat. Thats primer, base coat, pearl coat and a clear, all just for something you wont see most off... :doh:







    Then off to my rather elaborate workshop (okay its one of my workplaces warehouse/tyre fitting area)



    The new nuts on the rear were rather tight so a tiny bit needed trimming.



    New bolts and bleed nipples in, along with the 350z adaptors.



    Now time to bend and fit the cooper connecting lines.




    It may seem like a lot of detail gone into these simple brakes, but why would make all this effort painting them too look nice again then put the old hoses on?



    Wire brushed the pads to clean them up a bit. Copper greased then fitted.



    And the final product, just the discs to build up. But waiting for the centres to come back from the powder coater.




  2. Not saying you should recommend TPI because you have not heard of them, that would be stupid, I was merely commenting on how because people haven't heard of them that they would instantly assume they are crap.


    Eibach are only well known due to being around a long time, bit of advertising and got there profile up. However when it comes to spacers I don't think there is really a one is better than the other brand thing. Just avoid any that are made in China.


    All the comments slating the Supaforma spacers were based on 2 things: lack of material under the nuts and the material they're made of. A 15mm Eibach spacer would have the same amount of material under a nut, can't be helped, 15mm to play with and you need a reasonable nut thickness. The second is Eibach make their spacers out of Aluminum too. You were all saying aluminum fatigues under the extreme heat, well surely that means so would Eibach aluminum spacers?

  3. Why is it everyone gets on the band wagon and says the brands they have actually heard of are the best of the best and they are all you should buy.


    What make's Eibach spacers that much better? Eibach make their wheel spacers out of Aluminum too. If you want to track a car don't run spacers, simple. I could easily imagine Eiback spacers doing the same on that GTR. Obviously if you had 30mm spacers there would be more metal under the nuts. so on and so on. blah blah blah.


    People need to learn to stop being brand whores. Simple.


    Has anyone ever heard of TPI spacers? I assume not, but they are an alloy/magnesium spacer that's actually finished in a decent black finish, (compared to eibachs lack of any finish what so ever), TPI spacers have ALOT of special little trick features eibach don't. But because you have never heard of them you would instantly assume they are crap when in my opinion they are probably better.


    The reason the ones above failed is probably due to them being so bloody thin, fixed on spacers should be as thick as you can fit. 15mm is too thin for fixed spacer IMO, especially on a car that big and heavy.



  4. Okay a little bit done today. Sanded down using various grades of paper, washed, dried and chucked on a little tape.






    then time to start the painting i guess. Chucked on some white primer this evening, I really wanted it on tonight so it can be solid for tomorrow and a little wet sanding, then hopefully the basecoat if not, more primer.






    random picture of braided lines. (took the picture to show a girl what i meant by 'braided') :lol:


  5. yes they are indeed 4 pots. I know i know, i'm swapping 4 pot brembos for 4 pot brembos... :wacko: but I saw them cheap and wanted something to do. After all, if you wanted a 355mm Brembo GT kit for a 350z new you would need to spend £3000. :surrender:




    Yes I assumed they'd need a fair amount of work. You can make as little or as much work as you like, depends how thorough you want to be. I wanted to do a good job on them, all down to my painting skills now... I know they wont be perfect but I'm hoping they will look reasonable.


    I will be leaving the seals for now, just going to clean up around the scratch seal/ dust seal. The pistons are bloody tight so they have a good seal still. I will also be using the old pads and discs for now, see if I like the brakes before buying new parts.


    To be honest, I'm not actaully a fast driver so have no need for bigger brakes, I just fancied a mini project, and I've always wished I had slightly bigger brakes to fill the front wheels. :lol: however 380mm kit would have been so much better for behind 19s. Oh well..

  6. I got bored last week so randomly searched ebay, put a bid in on some brakes, got outbid and snipped it at the last second. Guessed the other persons bid spot on and put 50p onto haha.


    Anyway, I now had a pair of Brembo Gran Turismo Calipers with AP Bells and disks, 350z braided lines and mounts.




    No doubt I got them cheap as they need a bit of a spruce up. Discs and pads are used but have a little bit of life left yet. Little bit of heat crazing on the discs but nothing anywhere near that 1mm mark (thats when skimming or replacements are required)


    So time to start minting them up. Split the discs into 2, and went about getting the rust off the bells. Air tolls are awesome...





    They're now off getting powder coated. So onto those calipers, split them down, pads, spring clips, bleed nipples, brake line from front to back, brake hoses, mounts etc etc. I then set about striping the coating off them and some of it was worn off/chipped or still there.






    Using a trye fitting machine to hold the caliper... :lol:






    then i set about getting new parts etc, as Brembo don't supply individual components as they got used to often on other makes apparently. That and Brembo are Italian so they shut for the whole of August.. :o I had to search elsewhere. local engineering shops, motor factors etc, new bleed nipples, new dust cover (on the way) new brake lines for front to rear of caliper, new brembo stickers (in the post from RT) new bolts to fix the 2 parts together, new disc bolts (although i may use the originals here).


    The colour I have decided to paint them is a custom 3 stage colour, an ice white with a pearl and metallic, so thats primer, base coat, pearl coat, sticker the clear. :o


    this is where Im up too. just a bit more prep needed then ready to make and paint.






    will keep updated if anyone's interesting.

  7. No doubt operated by a 16 year old kid who isn't even trained to mix paints.


    I have been there and had them mix up paint for me before, cocked it up 2 or 3 times in a row, had enough of Halfords, everything they do or sell is crap (except the professional range of tools, they're okay)


    I will only ever use Halfords as a very last resort.

  8. I found a local(ish) paint shop now, so I will go browse their colour book and get one made up there and then. :)


    What has happened to all the paint shops nowadays? I knew of several, went to a couple yesterday and they are gone. :headhurt: Recession is hitting paint shops I'm guessing. :lol:

  9. Mixture of shouldn't use a pressure washer very close to paintwork, its not there to remove the dirt for you, you do that with a washing mitt. The reason that has done that is most probably down to it being resprayed at some point or another. Aftermarket respraying is never the quality of OEM.

  10. I'm going to paint my new Brembo Calipers this weekend hopefully, so I need to go buy the paint, however I don't know what colour to get. I am after a really good bright white metallic paint.


    Do you guys know of any cars, be it Nissan, Ford, Vauxhall etc etc that has a bright white highly metallic paint colour that is not some special 3 stage paint like Aston Martin Morning Frost White. I want to simply do white primer, white metallic, brembo sticker and clear. :thumbs:

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