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Willy P

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Posts posted by Willy P

  1. Well I finally got round to fitting mine on Friday.... removing the bumper is actually a pretty easy job. No need to detach the washer jets though as you can fit these side markers if you just shift the bumper forward a little.


    Bumper off: (my dad playing with washer jet in the background)












    They are a lot lighter than I thought they would be once on the vehicle in daylight but match the GM perfectly and 100x better than original smoked orange ones.





    I will put a few pictures of them with the bumper in situ a little later on...



    Sorry about the dirty wheels, they are all clean and nice now...

  2. That's no problem neo, I like the way this thread has turned. I like talking about pies, in fact I encourage it. In the cold dark winters of the early 90s all my parents could afford was Tesco pie and boiled potatoes for dinner. This was back when bad pies really were bad pies, before they brought in minimum standards etc. We used to make a chicken and mushroom pie last between the four of us on those cold evenings. Oh how I dreamed of curries and steak. They were bad times for me. The way this thread has turned has in fact had a positive effect on me as it's enabled me to face old demons and have a positive spin on pies. I am seeing this as being like therapy.


  3. Oh dear god, this thread has taken yet another turn for the weird. It's now a comparison of supermarkets.


    I too like pies


    Yes I am keeping my car, I might even buy my sister's kuro off her after seeing the state she has let it get in. I spent a good 2-3 hours washing it yesterday and I'm now tempted to go and clay bar, polish and wax it. Holograms and scratches galore.



    What do you have against whispy-bearded old women with cats in their bags? that's my mum

  4. Okay okay,


    I have made my mind up. I am not going to sell. I can still afford it, I just will have to be a little more frugal when going out etc. Anyway, I'm getting my exhaust fitted tomorrow so I will have something else to smile about. :teeth::teeth:


    Thanks for all the cheap eating tips. I would never let my diet suffer so I can keep a car though. Looks like I will stick to rolling my own fags and perhaps not pushing so hard on the loud pedal.


    Have a lovely weekend all...


  5. It's weird how this thread has taken a bizarre turn towards being about fish fingers. I assume at least 25% is breadcrumbs.


    Anyway, it still sort of makes sense that I should sell, mainly because I need to pull myself out of a little hole, and 6 months without a loan to pay, extortionate fuel bills etc will definitely help do that. What makes you think that zeds will get more expensive in 6 months time? surely they will keep getting a little cheaper no?




    I did think about doing something to make some money on the side, but seeing as my only area of expertise is in science I can't really do anything on the side to make any money :thumbdown:

  6. Recently I have been thinking; "I wonder how much info about pies we can fit into one thread, i.e. brands, fillings, pastry etc." So, please write anything you want about pies in this thread, perhaps there's someone out there that has a blog that he keeps updated with different pies and rates them. If there is, they should have their rank changed from "Z fanatic" to perhaps "The Pie Minister", what do you think mods?


    Don't worry about me and my problem with potentially having to sell the zed, it's fine, the talk of pies is therapeutic on cold wet days such as today.


    P.S. I'm keeping the zed now, so the old thread was useless anyway....


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