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Willy P

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Posts posted by Willy P

  1. Sounds like it dude, sorry. Mine has it as well but only when going in reverse. I need to fix it but can't afford any medicine right now :blush:


    Apparently the click is quite often from only one side. Try listening with only one window open and then the other open to see which side it is coming from. That way you only need to change one.

  2. This is all under the misguided impression that the dipstick is actually usable, which it isn't, at least in this dimension. Seems as though it was designed by a 2 year old with a crayon... .in his mouth...during an earthquake...whilst on a rollercoaster. Stupid thing it is.

  3. Mine had a little mark on it as well so I just took it off, cleaned, clay barred, polished and waxed the paintwork that was behind it and then just stuck it directly to the bumper. Looks better imho. And it would save you 75 squids. And you could sell Paul your old one...


    Done and done :thumbs:



    Did everyone just ignore me? :byebye:

  4. Haha, back to the future. Silly but this made me chuckle.


    I'm not saying you couldn't get it for that price but I personally think it's worth what he's asking. All depends on his personal circumstances, it seems he sells it with a heavy heart so probably won't let you pull him down much, but he has had it up for sale for a while so he might be quite happy to haggle down to that price. Worth trying I think, at the worst he can say no, he won't kill you for asking (hopefully).


    Take it for a drive and see what you think, if you think it's worth it you might not want to haggle too much.

  5. Definitely not overpriced dude. If you think it's overpriced then look at the others, but it has had some tasteful mods and considering it has FSH, mileage is nothing to worry about. Many have reached well over 100K, and I think people in the USA have even quoted reaching over 200K.


    Always worth a haggle though :thumbs:


    Best of luck,


    Welcome to the forum as well

  6. Mine had a little mark on it as well so I just took it off, cleaned, clay barred, polished and waxed the paintwork that was behind it and then just stuck it directly to the bumper. Looks better imho. And it would save you 75 squids. And you could sell Paul your old one...


    Done and done :thumbs:

  7. I never ever thought I'd buy a plate as i saw it as the single biggest waste of money on the....






    I genuinely couldn't resist after I saw it :blush:


    I guess not everyone knows what it says but for those who do it's like getting a private joke, just one that's shared with millions of other internet nerds :lol:


    Good work John, I like it.

    I want one now.


    Found V6YEY, haha, but thought it might be a little camp

  8. WillyP - There is that plastic strip under the front bumper, you just can't see it. It was a nice bit of plastic that would let me know I'm getting close to a speed bump, and now with the new bumper it doesn't have one of those, so when I hear the scrape, I'm actually making contact with the underside of the bumper :headhurt:




    Nah man, I mean the rear spoiler. Just the little spoiler thing that is on the back of all UK models. Hang on, I will help.



    Oh dear, there was a man on fire in the background, was he okay?

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