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Willy P

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Posts posted by Willy P

  1. Ah, okay then that's fine, :thumbdown: I was hoping it meant something like "frickin ossum **** ****" alas no, he is obviously one of those people who takes it too seriously. Ah well, more fool him, it is just a game.


    I do like it when people take it seriously though, it can be quite funny. One of my friends has to stop playing sometimes because he gets so angry hahaha.

  2. I was playing Call of Duty Black ops last night (Gun game) and I won it with a super-awesome ballistic knife kill (from the balcony in Villa to the window in the building opposite, right the way on the other side of the courtyard bit, that's right, all the way over there) and a chap sent me a message saying "FOCQ". I have tried to figure out what it means ever since but had no joy. Anyone got any ideas?


    Also, does anyone know how to get videos longer than 30secs onto youtube from theatre mode?




  3. I just bought a digital SLR last week so I thought I would share a couple of mine with you. Not particularly good but I thought I would share anyway. Here is Benny my cat:


    Penny my other cat:


    and Penny next to my zed, you can see the sunset in the reflection of my front bumper, I love having a clean car :thumbs:





    Going to Cyprus tomorrow so hopefully there will be some nice sunsets...


  4. I don't think i will be doing a group buy but least its a reference for people :thumbs:


    Front end on its own may sell, rear.... well , doubtful shall we say :lol:


    Yeah the front is gorgeous, the rear makes me want to throw up, possibly all over it to make it look better. Never knew why they made the rear so ugly. :wacko:

  5. Yeah, I did a lot of research into these, apparently theyr'e made in the same factory as the nismo zorsts and some people have used them for a direct replacement for them in the states for their Nismo 350zs (you know the ones, with the V3 kits etc.)


    I had an estimate from Adam and he said with shipping somewhere around $960, which depending upon the exchange rate is about £600.... well worth a thought I think.


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