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Willy P

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Posts posted by Willy P

  1. Hello,

    I just saw the thread about the azure blue zed alloy refurb and I have been thinking the same, but about a GM coupe.

    Which colour is best? My neighbour owns a refurb business so I get them done for £45 each corner, I may as well make the most of it ay.

    P.s. they are 18" RAYS

  2. +99999999



    I hate all these things, especially middle lane drivers. I was in the slow lane and catching up with someone in the middle lane so I had to go through the middle lane to the fast lane to overtake whilst keeping my speed constant. I then pulled back into the slow lane and the car sped up and overtook me whilst staying in the middle lane and slowed down again. So that's another thing I hate on the motorways is people speeding up and slowing down for no reason, especially if the motorway is empty!!!


    One of my friends is scared of driving in the fast or slow lane of a motorway because she's scared she'll hit either the central reservation crash barrier or the wall/barrier next to the slow lane. She's a numpty. So she stays in the middle lane because of that.

  3. I always wanted one ever since I saw one on the road.

    Got promoted about a month ago or just over and then decided to just do it. Best thing about it: Where I live there are no others apart from a couple of 370zs, I still haven't seen any on the road in the past month apart from 2 in my car park at work.

    I also bought mine because it's now or after I have children and they've left home, which seems like another lifetime away.

  4. Okay okay I will help her find one. She's been told she has to wait a while though.

    As for her German husband (who I mistakenly watched the game with on Sunday), he isn't actually too German, if you are able to use "German" as an adjective as most people do. He's really cool. He wouldn't mind her having a Jap car seeing as he drives a Chrysler :shrug:

    So I guess I will have to help her find one and then make sure mine is cleaner and better than hers. Speaking of which, do you think it's selfish to spend less on an engagement ring and spend a little money on my car? (i.e. exhaust, induction kit, maybe a bit of body work)

  5. Well, partly because I'm selfish but also because I have worked too hard to get mine and her husband will just buy her one.

    I see what you're saying though, I ought to step back and let her. 2 zeds in one family, I suppose it wouldn't be too bad

  6. My sister popped round the other day as I hadn't seen her for over a month since she got married to a German chap.

    Anyway, I showed her my new zed. I took her out for a quick spin and scared her to death with my back end out round corners etc. Anyway, I then let her have a go (aren't I kind?) and she loved it. Now she is looking for one for herself. Mine is GM but she wants black. Anyway, I don't want her to get one :doh: . What do I do? Recommend an S2000?

    Maybe I can put her off somehow, but that would be selfish.

    Please someone help me I am far too confused about the situation.

  7. Cheers for the advice on tyres everybody.

    Drove the car back last night in the rain (with ESP firmly on......first RWD I've driven).

    What can I say? Absolutely awesome..... such good fun to drive and it sounds incredible, I didn't even listen to the stereo for the hour's drive home, which is unbelievable for me.


    Anyway, when I did get home and played with the stereo a little bit the left hand speakers seem to cut out every now and then for a while. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, is it an easy fix? It's the BOSE one.


    I will put photos up on here soon, it was raining too hard last night.

  8. Hello everybody,

    I am picking up my 350z tomorrow afternoon, I managed to get a 53 plate in gun metal grey with GT pack with only 23000 miles, one owner and FNSH. Well chuffed and unbelievably excited about picking it up tomorrow. I just hope the banks allow me the cash to go and pay for it tomorrow.

    Anyways, just thought I'd say hi to everyone and no doubt I will be on here a lot in the future.

    Couple of questions: Anthracite RAYS alloys on gun metal grey?, also, what tyres are people running?

    All the best,


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