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Posts posted by chippychip123

  1. I don't know if it has an ignition as such. It's pretty much a full on race car. A mate of mine who drifts in the BDC with him said it's got loads of switches and buttons that need doing in the right order so you need to half know what your doing. Also he said it takes quite a while to get right out of Santa pods gates so he doesn't understand how no one noticed it had gone :shrug:

  2. Am I the only person that gets in car, turns on ignition, turns off TC and drives off? (Except when wet or icy)


    Can't believe that anybody leaves it on. :shrug:


    I've had the car for 2 years and never span the wheels with TC off. All my track days are with TC off and the car is VASTLY better.


    It worries me that people think the moment you turn TC off the car will spin in to a ditch and catch fire. It won't unless there are external issues, see above, or you are driving at track speeds on the open road which is, er, illegal.


    Genuinely, if you think you need the TC on all the time, you need a different car.


    (Not directed at OP, just an observation)




    Big +1 what do you think the big powered skyline and supra boys do, they don't have TCS to hide behind. You buy a reasonably fast car and actually learn how to drive the thing, the people that think it HAS to be turned on at all times maybe should move back to there Golfs and Focus

    :lol: I'm not saying I'm the dog bo**oks but I do find it cuts it far too quickly. I'm not telling every one to go turn it off at all times and drift the streets but if you are honestly one of these who are scared to push the button then maybe you bought the wrong sort of car :thumbs:

  3. Sorry but the sulu joke is lost on me :wacko: but I never was a trekie :lol: .

    But my old car was a BMW 330ci and did this even worse. I don't think cheap tyres help this issue and I remember you had your slashed a while back didn't you? And the reason for the engine cutting out is because it's the easiest way for it to stop the wheels breaking traction :thumbs:

  4. Listening to that clip I had a very similar sound when I fitted straight through decats with a OEM exhaust. Anything below about 3k made that horrible rattle/resonate sound to the point i had it on a ramp and ended up pulling the heat shield off around the STD Y pipe :thumbdown: but it was still there. So needless to say they lasted all of about 24hrs on the car, and now have a home in my shed :teeth:

  5. I think the term is ( all the gear, no idea ) :lol: Halfords are very good though for what we need. My ratchet spanners have lasted very well and they get some abuse :teeth: I normally just go for the torque setting of FT though unless it looks delicate

  6. I think it will still be there if you go and get it plugged in properly? When I fitted my air filter I stupidly started the car with the MAF unplugged and it threw one up :doh: I reset it myself and then went to a mates garage where they plugged it in to the diagnostics and it was still stored :thumbs:. But as above if it doesnt come back I wouldn't worry

  7. I fitted mine last week and the knocking has gone :thumbs: but I can't say I've noticed a massive difference, but then I don't push the car to the limit often. I have noticed the car still squirms a bit under heavy braking though but it has got quite a bit of negative camber on the front as I'm too tight to buy the adjustable arms :blush:

  8. I think I do need to raise it a bit. The compression bushes are already torn and will be replaced shortly :doh: and I don't know about shafts as I haven't looked :blush: what height is the Lizards race car if you don't mind me asking? Looks a bit more manageable than mine :thumbs: Cheers

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