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Posts posted by chippychip123

  1. I bought the ds2500 pads off the ZMAN and then a set of turbogrooves off eBay against his advice and they have been fine :thumbs: . I'm no track warrior though more like a highstreet poser so that could be why there alright. I personaly couldn't justify about £600 just for the front performance friction rotors. The track boys and girls will diagree though :drive1

  2. 1. SunGodRA

    2. James B

    3. The Chillies - Maybe

    4. S77 CRV

    5. Darren B

    6. glrnet

    7. HaydnH ?

    8. SpursMadDave -Doubtful

    9. Will350z ?

    10. KJ (Kieran)

    11. muffinman2k6

    12. Rob-Hughes

    13. PT370z

    14. Mark from Abbey

    15. Ebized

    16. chippychip123


    I've only owned the ZED for a year and this will be my 2nd meet :blush:.

    Look forward to meeting you all :thumbs:

  3. Have you asked the man that some say, has a room where he can connect to all Zeds around the world telepathicly, and when he cuts himself he leaks 5/30w engine oil everywhere, the man that has a dead Zed graveyard rather than a vegetable patch in his back garden. They call him Z man alex :thumbs:;)

  4. Don't feel stupid mate, I don't really know what the fuss is about. At the end of the day the zed would have had a 1.2 l engine if it was to be driven at 30 mph everywhere. You were on a dual carrigeway not a highsteet. I know I'm always curious wot other cars are capable of :shrug:

  5. That's a water/oil cooler which alot of factory cars have( even my old rs turbo which was 1987 registered) it uses the engines coolant to do the cooling. If you replace with aftermarket you normally remove that sandwich plate, join the two water pipes together and get a differant sandwich plate which allows oil out those two pipes on the side and then you route pipes to a nice new oil/air cooler. :thumbs: At least that's what I've done in the past, I don't know if the Zed is differant :shrug:

  6. how old are the bilstein coilovers? (and miles) < what figure do u have in mind?


    Would u trade for normal 17" OEM's for the Advan's?


    :shrug: tried looking at your front lights (have jdm ones myself) but can't see any of your stuff on your progress thread anymore since you've edited it down.[/quote)



    Have a look at his front bumper for sale post mate. I wanted these but apparantly the uk spec lights have slightly differant wiring :thumbdown:

  7. Alright mate Zmanalex was doing a set of 6 denso iridium plugs for £45 plus postage a little while ago, so give him a go and there are acouple of guides on here for you. It is fiddley but most monkeys are capable, I was :thumbs:

  8. I've spent a fortune with Alex lately and can honestly say the guys service is Top notch everything usually comes within 48 hrs of payment. And he has always replied via PM To me. I've never spoke to him through email though :thumbs: I'm sure you'll hear from him soon

  9. The relays are in that little fuse box by the battery, the connections Alex told me to check are the ones on the actual motors them selves and if you follow the wires down about a foot there is another join on each of them. Failing that mine were really intermitent so I took both fans out and had the blades off of them and just filled the motors with electrical cleaning spray untill all the black crap stopped comming out. Now they seem to work fine :thumbs:

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