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Posts posted by s1xtyn1n3

  1. Does anyone have any good recommendations for servicing in or around Norwich? I need to get mine serviced and MOT'd next week and am looking to avoid spending loads as I've also got the tax, insurance and renewing my drivers license to deal with this month!!!


    Also, not sure what the hell the dealership did at the last service as it says int or something similar rather than P1/2/3 (it had a P3 the year before). It's an early 2005 (54 plate) with 49k miles so not really sure if I should be continuing the P1-3 servicing or what really... :S

  2. Thanks! I've had another look under the seat, tightened up all the connectors and made sure the seat wasn't catching anything. I tried to test it last night but as there was only one of me, so not sure if it's fixed or not yet - will find out later if i need to give someone a lift home from work :thumbs:

  3. My airbag warning light started flashing the other day and after doing the reset procedure, it disappeared. It later started flashing again a few days later. I've now noticed that after resetting the warning light, it comes on once a passenger has got out. I'm guessing there's probably something lose or strange going on under my passenger seat but having looked, I couldn't see anything obvious and I'm not really sure what to look for.


    Does anyone know what it is before I resort to a trip to the stealership?


    If you do not want to talk to me then that is absolutely fine, no drama. ;):lol::lol::lol:

    Alex. :)

    hah! it's not that, i thought i'd check if anyone else had one knocking about first that doesn't want it around :)


    still, doesn't appear to be the case :)


    how much do you want for them? I'd be interested to hear prices for both the minty and the nearly-minty :thumbs:

  5. Before the inevitable "pm ZMANALEX or R35LEE" reply, has anyone got one sitting about that they want rid of? Mine's in pretty bad condition and needs replacing - previous owner must have worn rings made of razor blades and sandpaper gloves....

  6. I noticed the $140 price and thought that was ridiculous for essentially is no more than a piece of plastic and not even an intricate one at that. I would hesitate at paying £40 for a new one so looks like i'll have to try and fix mine :(

  7. Does any one know how much a replacement weather strip or what ever its called is likely to set me back? (its the exterior bit at the top of the door that presses against the glass that runs between the a and b pillars).


    Mine has snapped near the b pillar end and i'm trying to decide if it's worth repairing or replacing. Thanks!

  8. i'm guessing they're referring to the number of turns. typically, the lower number of turns should mean a faster engine, but it's not always the case. if they're all the same, then get the lowest :)

  9. if as others have said, the merc doesn't have an anti-syphon valve, you can buy a syphon pump and 5'5 hose on ebay for about £2 inc delivery - might save a fortune on breath mints!

  10. Managed to finally get some time to get mine going! I'd say its about 90% tuned, but its not revving as high as it should which could be down to not enough fuel not getting to the engine. I'm going to pull it apart this week and see if I can resolve the problem along with a potential problem with the pull start. Good to see it back up and running though!


    As promised, here's a video. A little crappy quality, but it was being filmed on my phone :)



  11. Not sure if these have been posted before, but I thought I'd share my generally unproductive day with my current favourite meme on youtube.


    These contain language that's probably NSFW, so headphones on people :thumbs:




    There are loads more, but that'll do for now :)

  12. i bought it on blu-ray as play.com had the blu-ray + dvd double pack thing for £14.99 and someone had one of those £2 off voucher things from mcdonalds so not bad price. I enjoyed it in 3D and expect to enjoy it but to a lesser degree when i finally get round to watching it either tonight or tomorrow.


    i'll probably go see it when it's re-released this summer in the imax :thumbs:

  13. my own philosophy on upgrading parts is to not bother, see what breaks and decide then if it's going to need upgrading, replacing or replacing and buying a spare or 2. Thankfully R/C parts are cheap enough to do that!

  14. Brushless are technically more efficient than brushed motors, but because of their higher output and requirement for a more complex ESC, you might notice slightly battery life - it really depends on the motor and ESC you're using... I guess it boils down to what you're going for, longer battery life or higher performance.


    If you just want the battery to last longer, then there's not much point forking out the money for li-ion; just get a higher capacity ni-cad and a fast charger.


    If you want performance, you'll need to go brushless. My advice would be to go brushless then upgrade the batteries when time and money allow. I can't say what the quality of that motor/ESC is, but the motor is the cheap part so don't worry too much about it going pear shaped :thumbs:

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