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Everything posted by player2301

  1. GET IN !!!! Looks mint mate should be plenty more days like this with the winter we had (I HOPE)
  2. Your rite about the turning circle it just didnt have one especially the 182 ..... 58 point turns for the win !!! MX5 was fun loved getting comments of the older generation lol Nice car !!! of a 60 year old But then had nice car of the chavs for the clio lol
  3. Had a few lol In 1997 Started with a FIAT UNO = NO pics FORD ESCORT = NO pics FORD KA = NO pics FIAT PUNTO and had me a couple of bikes Then got rid of bikes and had this for a year 200 cc road legal buggy RENAULT CLIO 182 was running two cars so also had MAZDA MX5 Then sold both and got these beautys !!! THE BEAST 350z THE MISSIS CAR lol 2.00l HDi d turbo And te journey continues Not bad as im only 29, Got a few more years motoring in me yet lol
  4. Boxers are wonderfull dogs a bit crazy and there strength is out of this world but so loving and caring wouldnt swap my two for anything !!
  5. Heres my pain in the butts lol But couldnt live without em !!! George 3 year old Likes cuddles, sleeping, playing with buckets, eating, balls and not coming in house when told too dislikes being left on his own, people walking past house, letters in post, covering your head so he can not see you Tia 4 year old likes food, sleeping, food, munching socks, feet, following partner EVERYWHERE, watching other dogs on telly dislikes people walking past house, keeping bedding in tact, being shouted at when she has done something wrong. And JJ the partners bird likes food, talking, flying round house, my partner dislikes daughter and other people, going back into cage Oh and the babs rabbit Charlie !!
  6. As one of the fuzz lol i might be hated on here >> But we do not have to have any reason at all to stop a car ? ? ? We can stop any car to see if they have there driving license insurance and MOT with them !! It is an actual offence to not have them with you whilst driving !!! But in the uk we do not prosecute for it We can but its our choice... Thats why we have HORT/1 forms (producers) to be fair to drivers As for your plate i wouldnt care to be honest but if your car was stolen and we couldnt pick it up on ANPR or BOFF cameras your car is actually invisible to us and not worth reporting it if its stolen soooooo !!! That makes you think abit ? ?
  7. DOH !!!! Ill be there next month and we can have a chat !!
  8. Mate dont know if your interested but i have a brand new 1 day old Blackberry 8900 curve to swap ya if you wanted ? ? ?
  9. nice matey keep up the good work !!!!
  10. i might do it shall we get a group buy ? ? ? ? ? lol
  11. Went to RAF Cosford this morning was a good day dispite the weather !!!! Took some nice pics got loads but will just chuck a few up.... Now for some real cars lol Now my car and my bros new Fiesta zetec s AND !!!!!! And me mates scoob
  12. well the bread and egg !!! OH i forgot the manager said what was the bone in the egg or meat That would be one fooked up chicken egg full of bones lol
  13. The manager asked if whilst i was waiting for him to call head office do i want any food or drinks for free to which i replied NO THANKS I WOULD LIKE TO KEEP THE REST OF MY TEETH lol I thought it was funny
  14. Had a mcdonalds double sasauge and egg burger this morning it was great till half way through i chomped down on a peice of bone and snapped my back tooth in half !!!! OUCH So i went back round and the manager came and had a chat ! think it helped i was in my police uniform lol He has taken the bone segment and my reciept and is going to send it away to headquarters.. I have just come back from dentist my tooth is killing as the nerve was showing £45 later and a temp filling X-RAY tuesday morning and im gonna need a crown !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! probably all in around £400 for a little tasty treat in the morning.. Ive just tried to ring headquaters myself but finish at 4 What you think will happen ? ? i wish !! Will it all go smooooothly or am i going to pay for my tooth and be done with it ? ?
  15. All sorted have a new shiny one on the way Thank you very much mike top bloke !!!!
  16. Its true it took my breath away when i saw it !!!!!!!!!!! My trusty 350z uk club sticker has started to peel off after 3 months I need another one fast and cant remember who to contact ! At this rate my car will forget which club it belongs to !! It might cheat on me and join cruisemids and id have to CHAV it up to fit in NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!! See my dilema ? ?
  17. HELP !!!! My drivers side window has started to come down really slow but goes up fine Is there anything i can do to fix this or should i start saving my pennies. Or is there anyone close that can help me cause evrything i touch breaks cheers lads gav
  18. Lads being an officer myself i can assure you theres more to the story as usual but hey ho we get the bad press The police are not gonna stop them for nothing It was probably as a whole an excellent idea with good intentions but there are always a few smegs that latch on to a good thing and wreck it for the rest of us
  19. sorry if repost but get it downloading guys !!!!!
  20. mate i got it last week and finished it within a week and i didnt play it that often lol but saying that i loved every min of it its mint and i never got the first !!!
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