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Everything posted by yokomo

  1. they are, his rays are annoyingly shiney darn they lok good , may ahve to add them back in my list of wheels to upgrade to , nice work and its a slippy old slope modding !
  2. your on a forum of modded Z'z it was gonna happen in the end ! and from the looks of your sig those aint stock wheels to start with !
  3. yep , wouldnt fit in the boot with my sub so i still need to get out there in another car you getting some stuff then ?
  4. got the guys at japex to do it then end as i mnaged to keep the waitng going by polishing it
  5. good luck , looks like youl be pulling the car aprt to run all the wires then ! you might want to consider making a sub box to go where the cover goes and kill two birds wiht one stone , should be easy to make and if your putting the covera cross anyways you wont loose much of our os so tiny boot .
  6. basiclly if you put rear speakers in then youl get the high stuff blasting right in your ear as if you had your back tuned to the band so normlly you fadar them down or get dont have em (mine are turned right down) with on the sub , the Z is small and if your nod fater a big car shaking ratle then do like i have ..... viewtopic.php?f=27&t=28201 see finished item although i may move this to the compartment side of the strut bar so i cna usea tennaeu cover . an 8 or 10 is more than enough to provide good bass . if your handy with making items then id make small sub box for the boot and try and bag a nice 4 channel but.. has your car got the orignal bose amp still inplace or was it non bose ?? this makes abig differnce as if its non bose id just use the HUamp to run the fronts and get small amp for the sub , that show run most of my set ups in the past (got the bose amp and an alpine for the sub now). its all budget realted really but a good absic setup is HU , 4 chan amp , pair comps for the front and sub size/power to suit tastes. hope this helps , im sure some fo the others on here can help.
  7. ok well to start wiht if you have anftermarket Hu in there already half the battel is already won since youve got the loom adaptor in place. what you need to do is first set a budget . pull out Hu and see if the loomk that sin there as steeting wheel controls but just not hooked up yet (little black box about matc box sized) assuming thats there then you need to decide if you going fully amped or not im guessing yes. if so id forget the rear speakers they just ruin the sound stage. get a for chan amp , pair of comps for the front and new Hu to run it . then youl need new wire to power said speakers and to make/buy a sub box. thats shoudl get you going .
  8. well it looks pretty well sorrted in terms of features etc but bare this in mind , if you plan on adding bluetooth (whih im guessing you will ) thats another £100 ish so you may be better off spending a little more and get it build in , it will certianly make it easyer to install . for example ...http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/jvc-kw-avx820.html same price range ish but with BT onboard although i dont know if it suffers from the same usb issue as my avx33 (reads anything but takes ages to get going then its fine) , the pioneer unit i have no idea best to google up some reviews. as for cut out issue im not sure , is amp related or HU ? if its the Hu playing up then yes .
  9. mr2 then ! take a look on my350z.com , theres a couple on there that have dont VQ35 swaps im sure thye know whats needed.
  10. if you have a Bose at the moment then id recomend you go for the 4100 aswell , since this will give you 3 pre outs thus leaving a spare one if you decide to hook up an amp/sub further down the line . both lok pretty decent units though .
  11. oh i like tne sound , hurd nurrish start his at japfest ... just too loud for me . who ever is behind me can have the joys of fujitsubo and Z leds
  12. more the merryer also local meet sonds good to me , no idea when though .
  13. im coming from welwyn garden but thats easy enough for me to get to and about as close to staying on the M1 for the rest . what say you all ? those north of hemel meet at toddington for 9:30 , leave at 10 as per Anubis' starter and those further down meet at the BP garage just of the hemel junction for say 10:15 to be joined by the toddingotn lot ?
  14. well the hemel junction has a travel lodge about 100 yards of the junction so we could meet there or if its just me and rawbhp (if hes game for this little manouver) you could callas your passing and we can catch the snakes tail so to speak
  15. Kinda out of the way for me (wrong way up the m1 ) could pick you all up around hemel though if i dropped someone my mobile and got a call as you got to that silly thing they calla junction !
  16. no if your using the parts Walbertonio linked then no thats its , you plug directly into the head units pre outs . it will be quite clear once youve got all 3 bits how they connect to your new system.
  17. yeah does hang slightly lower than stock but not massivley and only the same as others with the same exhaust. next up is aY pipe and HFC's to finish it off.
  18. yokomo

    A few mods.......

    very nice indeed , may i ask where you had your tints done as im looking to get mine done ?
  19. looking great is that the factory nav above ? also sounds like from that vid you posted the pioneer handbrake has to be switched to work , mines just permantly gounded and works fine so i guess its different for other makes . also must say youve got great fitment of that surrround .
  20. and a somewhat short vid , stupid 15 limit !
  21. Picked up some new Z leds rear lights and a fujitsubo exhaust from one of the forum members on here and just got the zorst fitted by the guys at http://www.Japexperformance.co.uk (plug , plug plug !) Took Ross a little over half hour inc dealing wtih my wandering around poking bits of the underside jammering on ! Sound i think is pretty good , just a little louder than stock in the car so should be really good once i get the cash for the Y and HFC's . pics and short vid to follow (wrong camera setting limited me to 15 seconds, doh!) and here they come ! vid stil uploading !grr
  22. didnt need to on mine , but im fully amplified so the Hu isnt under laod .
  23. make sure you check you have the pre out on your head unit hooked up thr ight way so the front is front back back etc as they arent marked on the new harness so id advise you fire it up before you start cramming wires and dash back togther. other than youl should be done pretty quick although an extra pair of hands is really use full whenyou got dash Hu etc trying to mate !
  24. nope thats for none bose , so what youve got list above and yourgood to go !
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