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Everything posted by rich5259

  1. Why are you posting here? Why aren't you out ? Nice car
  2. I use tesco and the tesco credit card, last year my business travel expenses and a "double points" mistake helped get £200 of vouchers, worth £800 on a "deal". So it was "free" bling for Joy's christmas pressy Need a new 0% deal, so will look into the Shell credit card EDIT: Shell credit card no-longer available.
  3. hope to see a shiny aluminium one soon
  4. rich5259

    Picture of my Zed

    If you were at Wales you'd have seen how different they all are after a few mods by each of us
  5. My wife is 4' 11" and she was comfortable on the wales trip, but then I guess the seats are a lot softer that the ones in our last car do Envy make one in a carbon-look cover?
  6. i went north last night, woke up to find the wind had increased and instead of being 3/4 the way to the mark, i'd gone too far and was just north of it , now headed due east and hoping to get back some of the 12000 places i lost overnight
  7. seems natural talent was good to make up 147,000 places today
  8. I've been called some things in my time Mart but that is probably one of the less flattering! Mind you, you have seen me first thing on a morning.........
  9. Nice photos Is it just me, or is Azure now more common than GM?
  10. Donation sent. I lost a friend 6 years ago, my thoughts are with you both.
  11. what's your boat mate? I'll add you there. I'm N350Z
  12. nope still heading 107. you need to go hard to starbord NOW!!!! to avoid overshooting the mark
  13. my pics from Sunday If anyone wants the originals, just PM me with your email address and the pic you want. Anyone know the way back to Chester? No mate, this is the south-bound convoy
  14. You have to pass it to PORT for it to turn green looks like you will be passing to starbord You appear to be 3 miles too far north
  15. RMS Titanic is about to pass the 1st mark, but on the WRONG side !!!!! You might want to change course or have a pirate slow you down, atleast you'll not have 7 hours sailing to retrace tonight
  16. rich5259

    Picture of my Zed

    Welcome to the club
  17. and an extra gizmo to find the 1st gizmo when you lose it
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