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Everything posted by Dene8

  1. GEEKS!! Some of your set-ups are pretty epic......! I was into CSS massively up until a year ago, think if I dug out my computer my life once again would degenerate into diminutive amounts of sleep, copious amounts of gaming and I’d be made single soon after!
  2. Dene8

    evo gone

    I was/am amiably surprised by the amount of attention you get in a zed! Enjoy bud
  3. From memory, 2 in stock, with the washer cut outs already in place... I'd want no cut outs bud as I have a JDM What are my options...?
  4. What about your Nismo rep front bumpers bud....?
  5. Have you got any of these currently in stock CS.........?
  6. BF2 and CSS remind me of my early teenage years where i quite literally was so engrossed in my PC and gaming i had no life....!! Then i discovered women Still find time for BF2 on the xbox tho'
  7. Looks like a brown trout and a midget to me
  8. Dene8

    Speedo Issue

    Cheers Lee, what time do you want me there.....? Trying to figure out if i've got time to pop home after work i'll just wait for your phone call I'll report back with my speedo findings, with a little help from R35LEE i'm sure it'll be sorted
  9. Dene8

    Speedo Issue

    Without the use of a volt meter wotsit I’m limited to what I could check, I did however have my AC control out and found the VSS wire you mentioned I'll beg, borrow or steal I volt meter @ the weekend before ripping my dash apart. I always thought the pod speedo ran from the analogue speedo..... As the kmph to mph conversion chip is on the analogue speedo yet the digi pod also displays the mph signal....?
  10. Good find Chris'I I'll be giving this a go at the weekend, i'll let you know how i get on.
  11. That would make more sense and would explain why I’m still getting irregular levels of volume with an aftermarket HU, I’ll have a search cheers
  12. Dene8

    Speedo Issue

    Gave this a try last night and still no speedo, next step is to take my clocks apart and check to see if the signal is reaching them........ I'm actually quite enjoying this diagnostic stuff!
  13. Pretty sure it doesn't bud........... i had the same HU in my type-r and there was none of this volume tom foolery going on I genuinely thought my hearing was going a bit funny and even had an appointment booked at the docs until the other half noticed it too...... I've had a good search thro' the manuals too and no joy......
  14. If you were a PC fan boy in the past I’m sure you longingly remember BF 1942 It's basically that with shiny graphics and updated physics.......... i loved 1942 and i love 1943 even more.. COD is all fought relatively close with small/indoory maps, where as the maps in BF are epically huge......! It feels like war and as a result a lot more hectic and ultimately fun imo.....
  15. It's a computer game thing, you either speak the language or you don't http://uk.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/b ... index.html
  16. I've removed the BOSE unit and fitted the alpine x-100 iPod HU recently, trouble is the whole system still auto adjusts its volume as it pleases and I have no idea how to stop this, its driving me crazy!! I know it was simply a case of turning the option off on the BOSE HU but I assumed the feature would cease to exist once the HU was changed. Any ideas……..?
  17. One in the for sale section bud.... viewtopic.php?f=32&t=25032&p=365037#p365037
  18. edgeydt50 is after a rear bumper........ viewtopic.php?f=31&t=24960
  19. So a complimentary sticker is issued when 350 posts have been achieved hmmmmmm.......?
  20. Any of you 360 boys playing this and want to get some form of assemblage killing going on......?
  21. I find myself admiring it even tho' I have no interest in boats in the slightest........
  22. It would, had I an endless supply of money I was willing to waste and had I not lived in a field, millions of miles from civilization with only sheep to keep me company I'll just opt to have them put back in and see if i can feel a noticeable drop or pickup in torque. Cheers guys
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