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Everything posted by Zee

  1. right I'll stop hi jacking this thread and make a Lincs Humber Mini Meet thread and gauge the interest
  2. haha ok ok the lincs & humberside mini meet!....but which side of the bridge do we meet up??
  3. they look like those things you see in the chip shop that zap flys!
  4. we should deffo sort a lincs mini meet, maybe over easter?
  5. Whats the deal with the mesh that covers the gap at the front? Does that come separate?
  6. Thankfully the transition wasn't too bad for me after owning a petrol thirsty FTO! Both cars were the same, you have a heavy right foot and you'll definitely be left with a light wallet! oh and as for pictures, if you have a facebook account you can upload them into an album on facebook, right click the image and go to "copy Image URL" and then "http://[Paste here]" from the URL button when you are posting a new topic or replying to a thread
  7. yup for sure! Whereabouts in lincs are you, I was in Louth but just recently moved to the mecca of entertainment "Alford"!
  8. Nice pics mate, Cadwell Park is just up the road from me, never thought about taking my zed up there!
  9. thanks lomoto I'll have a crack at it tomorrow
  10. I think it looks the dogs well done to the guys who put it together!
  11. Hmm no replys...guess I'll have to opt for the hammer and chisel!
  12. I spoke to the guy on ebay who sold the wheels and he messaged me and told me the guy that won the first auction didn't complete the transaction so he relisted them last night and they were snapped up with an £850.00 BIN option. I could have bought them for that but I really want to get some wear out of the Bridgestones that came with the car when I bought it. So In a few months when they need replacing I'll buy some LMGT4's with tyres.
  13. HelloO! Could someone please tell me how you remove the plastic cover that surrounds the brake light located on the glass on the rear boot? I've noticed that a few flys have come to their demise and seem to be sunbathing in full view of all to see! eewww! Just need to whip it out, give it a clean and replace...please say its easy to do!! TIA!
  14. Zee

    Stubby Aerial

  15. Zee

    Stubby Aerial

    My OEM one is on fleabay for a couple of quid if anyone wants it?
  16. Could u send some pics to me via PM please mr liz ?
  17. nooo how did i miss these!! I've been after some for a whilw now and looking at the price they went for I might of won it with a bid towards the end!
  18. lol yes doing over a ton on a track of course!
  19. I came from an FTO into a 350z and papped myself for the first couple of weeks! Its VERY deceptively quick as already stated. I quite often overtake a car, look over to the speedo and i'm doing over a ton without trying!
  20. I love the way they just flip the image for RHD but all the text is backwards. Made me lol. Yea and if you look across to the right in the drivers footwell thats one strange accelerator pedal!
  21. oh right! time to call the DVLA then?! My insurance company rekon that because they had it listed as a fairlady then the insurance was more expensive. Best get on the blower to em in the morning!
  22. oh ok, looks like my VIN number starts with a JN so obviously thats Japan! So how come mine doesnt have the square plate or all the text in jap?
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