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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Main thing is nobody got hurt and hopefully you'll become a more observant driver as a result. You could get that azure bumper off sunset350z, then you'd also have a carbon lip insert already fitted, all you'll need ia a respray. That should work out cheaper, cos if you only go for the respray and purchase of bumper brakets, and re-attach the bumper yourself, that should work out alot cheaper than haveing a workshop do all the work and charging you full price.
  2. That's cool stuff. I just wanted to get a feel for what is gonna be most likely gonna be, thus maximising my chances of meeting some people from here. Unless of course people are gonna be hanging around all day (doubt that tho)
  3. I wish I could sneak my Zed in and take pics, like under a crane or something.
  4. Yup, that's the one. I thought I saw some viper stye twin stripes on the bonnet but thought "Nah, can't be..." My mate was parked up infront of that bistro thing where the pedestrian crossing is, I was taking some pics... Had just got back in the car when I spotted you.
  5. That blue ship is a Norfolk Line Ro-Ro. Landguard extension will primarily be given Maersk priority afaik. I doubt that Hutchinson would have let Maersk take over their port, even if it's only partial. Currently there are only some dinky cranes on Landguard, but an order for 12 cranes (I think) has been made and they will be bigger than the biggest one we currently have over at Trinity. So it should easily cope with the likes of the Emma Maersk class vessels. I did work on the Emma Maersk on her maiden call to Felixstowe, impressive to say the least, but 23 wide is alot of lashing!
  6. I've never had a Photo license, still got my old school paper one (it's falling to bits tho, lol)
  7. That's part of the expansion development the port is going thru. You see where that blue ship is on the right? We are reclaiming land in that area so we can expand the landguard quayside. There are plans to increase the number of cranes on landguard too, hopefully by the end of the year.
  8. the carpet idea is brill tbh. May need to add another bit of carpet by the door about head height, so you can take out your frustrations of the day on it, lol
  9. Ok, here's a silly question perhaps. Does the aftermarket HU, like the Pioneer 900BT, make use of the already existing mic in the car? I'm just guessing that it may be included in the ICT loom, but don't know for sure. Thanks
  10. Well, I saw the post, grabbed the camera and ran outside, lol
  11. Hope this helps, but as IanS16 already pointed out, the rear arches stick out further than the mirrors
  12. Isn't the clearcoat the resin that the carbon weave has been covered with?
  13. Yup, sadly 07 owners will be paying full whack, like nurrish says. the lower rates apply to the Zeds registered before March '06 I'm afraid.
  14. It's a personal choice for me to use heatshrink. Plus removal will be less messy should I need to and with tape there is always the chance of snagging and condensation maybe getting in, whereas the heatshrink will cut down on those risks. I also use a gas powered soldering iron, mainly cos it looks so cool. Gets hot real fast, and being gaspowered, it's cordless.
  15. Today I had something with big rims... Huge exhaust... But sadly it was only one of these... BUT, I did ad some free advertising to it This is where I work, the Port Of Felixstowe (pic taken from Landguard Terminal) Whilst over at Landguard I took some pics that martinmac might be all too familiar with...hehe Check out the guy with the boyracer show-off exhausts! He better be gettin busy with fine wirewool and Autosol on those, lol
  16. Yeah, they are employing very small Kurds to sit in a pedalo contraption inside the pods, so when the driver hits the button, thay have to pedal faster...
  17. Hiya people, watch me as I sit myself on the bonnet! Damn Tim from Envy Valeting was here with his wax again (ouch my bum hurts!)
  18. Looking good so far, deffo keeping my eye on this one I'll prolly cut the grounding wires tho and then solder the wires together, followed by neatly putting it into heatshrink for a more tidy appearance.
  19. Some nice....uhmmm....headlights in some of the pics....
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