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Posts posted by PhilTheForce

  1. Tres Pretty!

    (but how much Photoshop?)


    (Sorry I'm a cynical graphic designer that doesn't believe any image is real anymore! :wacko: )


    Lol totally understand but to be 100% honest only photoshop was the japanese writing behind her and contrast lifted up for the sake of the blue behind her, no airbrushing on her :thumbs:


    Excellent!, then I will marry her immediately! :thumbs:






    PMSL :lol:


    I'm not joking! .....


    Well maybe about the marriage bit :lol: :lol: but hey, she does looks pretty - I'm single, in my twenties, good job, penchant for Martial Arts and Jap cars! What girl doesn't appreciate that?!


    Oh dear lord I've resorted to selling myself on a car forum...






    :lol: shes early 20's and 2nd dan in Karate, oh dear Ive resorted to pimping my family of on a car forum :lol::headhurt:


    Omg seriously?! :wub:

    My ideal woman!! (I'm a Black Belt TaeKwonDo amongst others)


    You've gotta hook me up here mate, it could be love! :lol:


    Is she on Facebook/email or something?

    It'd be cool to say hi - see what shes like!


    (haha sorry for the off topic folks!)

  2. Tres Pretty!

    (but how much Photoshop?)


    (Sorry I'm a cynical graphic designer that doesn't believe any image is real anymore! :wacko: )


    Lol totally understand but to be 100% honest only photoshop was the japanese writing behind her and contrast lifted up for the sake of the blue behind her, no airbrushing on her :thumbs:


    Excellent!, then I will marry her immediately! :thumbs:




    PMSL :lol:


    I'm not joking! .....


    Well maybe about the marriage bit :lol: :lol: but hey, she does looks pretty - I'm single, in my twenties, good job, penchant for Martial Arts and Jap cars! What girl doesn't appreciate that?!


    Oh dear lord I've resorted to selling myself on a car forum...



  3. Tres Pretty!

    (but how much Photoshop?)


    (Sorry I'm a cynical graphic designer that doesn't believe any image is real anymore! :wacko: )


    Lol totally understand but to be 100% honest only photoshop was the japanese writing behind her and contrast lifted up for the sake of the blue behind her, no airbrushing on her :thumbs:


    Excellent!, then I will marry her immediately! :thumbs:



  4. One of the ugliest cars out there. Looks like it was designed with a ruler.


    Afraid I've gotta give a +1 on that!


    I'm surprised so many Zed owners love em - they are a world apart in looks.



    Awesome performance I admit but if that's all you want you can go faster for less £

  5. When does Watchmen come out over there?? We have to wait until the 5th May, which means I would have time to get hold of the book first.


    I think it's out 6th March here. (I'm gonna try and check it out at the IMAX)


    If you do get chance then definitely read the book before, it's unlike anything else I've ever read.


    Be warned though it's pretty intense! Rape, murder, Nuclear war and psychotic superheroes...not bedtime reading. :scare:

  6. They know they can get away with it. Even if they are seen they would not get charged due to 'lack of evidence' and even in the 0.0001% chance they get charges they will get....oh a £50 fine.


    I wish Fines were propoertional to damage/cost so if you require 5 cars chasing you to get caught you pay the cost of running those cars.


    You don't pay the fine you go to prision where you WORK to pay it off. There are loads of trades they can do. Never have understood why ifyou go to prision you don't have to work. You should have to work like the rest of us or never get let out.


    That man for Prime minister!

  7. Anyone read the book?

    (If not read it now, it's incredible)


    The film comes out really soon and I for one cannot see how this deep, multi layered and pretty brutal piece of literature can work on screen.


    It's already been through 5 directors and I'm worried it'll turn into a superhero cheese-fest.

    Surely it would need to be about 5 hours long to work properly?! :wacko:

  8. So I wake up Sat morning, wander round to my garage and notice all the people in my road looking at their cars.

    Turns out the local Chav crew had decided to take a trip down our cul-de-sac and randomly vandalise everyones car in a row :headhurt:


    One had the ariel broken off, one had the number plates nicked and my flat mates car had a new spoiler in the form of one of those road-works hole-covers on his roof.

    Of course the grit that had stuck in the plastic cover has made a complete mess of his roof. It looks like someone has played noughts/crosses in the paintwork!


    For some reason they didn't touch the Yellow Cinquecento in the middle of it all!

    I felt guilty for having a garage but it still makes me mad :rant:

  9. I'm just teaching myself how to create these.


    Didn't see any animated Zed gifs so I knocked this together as an experiment:




    Not sure what it's doing but it is my first ever animated gif!


    Might try and put some better moving ones together when I get chance, if people want ones of their car?!

  10. Im really tempted in getting my eyebrow pierced and having a silver bar put in, problem is Im always going to meetings where I have to look presentable, are they easy to take out and put back in or do you have to pierce again? Also can they easily get ripped out if I get hit in the face?





    You often get hit in the face at these meetings?! :lol::lol:



  11. thanks guys, that's a really good shot! so does anyone know then the measurement of the widest part of the car?


    Going on CS' post of 1.8m width I'd say you need a minimum of a 2.5m garage as you will need to get those long doors open.


    Thats what i was thinking, if your garage is so tight you're worried about the mirrors, you're not getting out! :lol:


    Be fine if you have a roadster!

  12. I'm a peaceable sorta guy but stuff like this makes my blood boil.


    Once again a government run organisation treats us like crap, has terrible service and charges us for the pleasure. :angry:


    The worst one I had recently was my local council who made a mistake and overpaid me by £10 back when I was out of work. They then sent me threatening letters demanding payment back and talking about going to court!

    They balls it up and have the nerve to threaten me for it?! grrrr


    Suggest that the system is wrong and you'll probably be bundled off as a terrorist!


    It's all going a bit V for Vendetta isn't it......

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