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Posts posted by PhilTheForce

  1. Eek - blimey everyone is on Glam jobs except me... :dry:


    No boats in my job but I do ensure that you lot keep your smalls clean and food on the table amongst other stuff! ;)


    IT system admin for a global manufacturer - keeping the factories working! :yawn:


    Amongst other things you may have heard of some of this stuff :lol:









    Eva Longoria, Marmite and Vaseline. I'm sure I had a dream like that once....

  2. I'm a graphic designer, DJ, run an Ebay and Internet Business, and sometimes teach Martial Arts.


    I think I need a lie down...




    (Sarnie what's your area of Internet Businessness?)


    Sweet what martial arts you teach?


    My main background is in ITF TaeKwonDo but I also currently do Shaoloin Mok-Gar Kung Fu and cross train in a few other styles on and off.


    Part of my Ebay biz is selling a couple of books I put together for TKD. I'm also invloved with a couple of MA Newsletters


    Just wish it made me enough cash so I could quit working for someone else full time! :thumbs:


    ITF = nice proper TKD :thumbs: WTF crappy fairy bandits jumping around like gay fairies with legs flinging in the air imo :teeth:


    :lol::lol: So true!

    Just a shame the Olympics don't show ITF. When it was on everyone was like ' Oh thats what you do?' I was like Nooooooo!

  3. I'm a graphic designer, DJ, run an Ebay and Internet Business, and sometimes teach Martial Arts.


    I think I need a lie down...




    (Sarnie what's your area of Internet Businessness?)


    Sweet what martial arts you teach?


    My main background is in ITF TaeKwonDo but I also currently do Shaoloin Mok-Gar Kung Fu and cross train in a few other styles on and off.


    Part of my Ebay biz is selling a couple of books I put together for TKD. I'm also invloved with a couple of MA Newsletters


    Just wish it made me enough cash so I could quit working for someone else full time! :thumbs:

  4. Looking stealth there mate.


    I'm loving your workspace. Is it in Solihull?


    I'll have to drop round and check out the wheels when they're all done.


    My entire car is going for the Black look atm....every day I drive to work the Silver gets a brand new coat of filth.. :headhurt:


    Also the fact that I've got a history of Japanese cars including numerous Supra, Skyline, GTO, Z32 etc I didn't want to sever myself from the Jap community, so all these factors pointed directly to the Zed.


    Exactomundo! I've had a fair few motors over the years but ask any mechanic and they will usually agree that Jap motors go forever.

    Hence why there's so many Nissan/Toyota/Honda Taxi's.


    Personally my sig explains it all...

  6. I started a thread exactly like this over on the FTO forums a year or two ago.


    I was intrigued how almost all the women I know have a pet name for their motor but couldn't even tell you the model! :lol:


    I knew girls with

    'Diego' - A Ford Escort

    'Cindy' - A Citroen AX

    'Barry' - A Nova



    Mine is called Mitsi (FTO)...but thats cus I don't have a Zed...yet! ;)

  7. Sounds really interesting! Feel free to PM me the comp details.


    I love working on stuff like that (I'm a proper geek sometimes) but I just never get the time!


    I've been working on a graphic novel for about 6 months but can't get it finished! :rant:

  8. How about a quick scene kind of explaining the reasons a famous movie character or scene has a particular quirk.



    Like a scene showing a black/white suited guy getting ripped off by a waitress. (Explaining why Mr.Pink in Res Dogs never tips)


    or something abstract showing a guy after some kind of accident his mouth messed up and going nuts ("wanna know how I got these scars?!....")


    Much like the scene in Indy 3 where you see why Indy is afraid of snakes.


    Although, you couldn't show the actual actors/voices iconic clothing and close ups shot well would get the idea across.



    hmmm, wish I had something this interesting to work on!

  9. Interesting points.


    It's pretty obvious if you're buying a car with say a Pikes Peak spoiler on the roof, but if the previous owners have modded something more subtle (Cams, Skimmed ports or any internals) or could be impossible to tell.


    My FTO was apparently modded on a few bits in Japan before it came to the UK (My mechanic tells me).

    How am I supposed to know, call Japan?!


    "Ah Konichiwa, did you used to own an FTO?..." :lol:

  10. welcome to the forum. I moved here from the states about a year ago. depending on where you live, you will miss the nice safe flat multi lane highways that are well lighted and u can drive on for hours... i know i do...lol



    I'm sure there are some amazing roads in the States but in my times over there some of the roads I've driven are the worst I've ever seen! :headhurt:



    I remember driving through Baltimore and wondering if an earthquake had recently hit, but apparently that's just what the roads around there are like! :scare:

  11. Hahaha that's a very familiar car park!!

    Welcome aboard, the rest of you better watch out, we're taking over!



    I was only there taking photo's....honest :lol: I leave the dogging to other car parks :blush:


    WOH there!! I wasn't talking about the Z! I took some pics of the dogging in the same car park last week.


    ^ I quickly glanced at this thread and thought it said...^


    I need to lay off the coffee :lol::lol:

  12. It's not just the Euro.


    The pound is weaker than the lager at my local right now. :wacko:


    I try to go stateside to see my mates in USA/Canada most years. I'd usually end up buying so much stuff I'd be wearing about 15 layers on the plane!


    Not this year though... :cry:

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