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Sam Jago

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Everything posted by Sam Jago

  1. Roadster? May have been me.
  2. I am also from Nottingham and tend to wave at all Z's I see. Around the country I find I get lots of waves and flashes. There are a few Z's I see around Nottingham and not many round here wave back If yo spot me give me a wave and it will make my day. (I have a 350z, 59 plate Black Roadster)
  3. My tanks range from 220 miles, driving around town and occasional spirited country road driving. To 480 miles driving from Nottingham to Pembrokeshire and back with cruise control on for work at 60-70 mph.
  4. I don't think you can ever support violence, but I think that fact you see the cyclist chase down the car to verbally abuse him, then after the event turn back and go back the way he needed to go shows the mindset of the cyclist. The moral is if you chase people down to harrass them expect them to react angrily back!
  5. I have just had to move my insurance away from Admiral, they increased my premium by roughly £500 since last year, with no claims.... I am now with Churchill who are insuring my 59 plate 350Z for £490, I am 33 with max no claims so was amazed at Admirals price hike.
  6. For any of the older generation here, a bit of a blast from the past is returning. I guess some of you may have played Elite on the BBC Mirco, Spectrum or Amiga. The game is returning in the form of Elite Dangerous for PC, it is currently in Alpha testing (which I am involved with). For any of you that may remember this or could be interested in a space sim, the game in Alpha is great fun and very intuative to fly. I have got some vids if any of you feel like getting a feel for it http://www.youtube.c...VgLwhoR4s9aDiOA
  7. Well done GreasyWeasel, sounds like it is time to test drive some new Zeds
  8. I had my 05 GT written off at the start of the year with similar mileage. I received £8500 so it is always worth pushing the insurance company after their first offer. They will be looking to pay out as little as possible. It is currently definitely a buyers market so I would take the offer and get yourself a new shiny car.
  9. Not embarassing, but a house near me has just got an F Type Jag (looks amazing!) with the number plate: F17YPE Bet that plate must have cost a few quid. Also at the Singapore GP a few years ago, saw the owner of BMW's car with the number plate: 1
  10. I test drove one when shopping for my Z. I found the performance and handling to be excellent (although slightly more twitchy back end, may have been the tyres). The noise they make is amazing! The one thing that put me off going for one though was the size of the cabin. Coming from a Z the cabin felt very tight and dark.
  11. Hey there, That might be me (a 59 roadster with the burnt orange seats). My folks live down there so I am about from time to time. Hopefully I will see you in the Z next time! Sam
  12. Just got a text from some of my family saying they had a black 350z "whiz" past them on the A30 in Cornwall wondering if it was me. I will be heading down there tomorrow. Maybe see you on my way.
  13. Sorry to hear about your sons car, some people are real £$%^& not owning up to a collision. Fortunately, the car was parked outside my parents house and run into by their neighbour, so the whole insurance thing went relatively smoothly. Got a good value for the car and had top up insurance. So have upgraded from an 05 coupe to a 59 black roadster, with the vented burnt orange seats (which I am loving!). Just waiting for some good weather in the midlands now! Anyway sorry to go off topic. I should really make a post in the new members section. Sam
  14. Hi Guddu, I have just had my 350z coupe written off (crashed into in snow when i was not in the car or the country...). Before they took it away I removed the Nissan blue tooth adapter plugin. Have replaced my car with a roadster so have no use for the adapter now. Give me a shout if you are interested in this. Cheers, Sam
  15. is a sony ericson K770i, if that doesn't work i also have a samsung E900.
  16. thanks mate, that picture shows the exact craddle i have in my car, with no adapter. Are the adapters available from all dealers then? Are they compatible with all new phones? Sorry to be a pain and keep asking questions but have been trying to find this out for about a week and you guys have been the frist helpful people i have come across Thanks again
  17. Think mine was the last model before that was fitted as standard. Got it second hand so did not spec it. Currently has a craddle there which looks like it is for a nokia phone.
  18. Hi there folks, New 350Z owner here, absolutely loving it!!! Was wondering if you guys could spare me a few minutes for a bit of advice? I am looking to get a blue tooth car kit for my 350z it is on an 05 plate, so has the integrated system with the steering wheel controls. What is the best blue tooth system to get to link in with the in car system? My phone is a Sony Ericson K770i. I have heard maybe the Parrot CK3100 is best but not sure how well this would integrate? Also how hard are these systems to install? I have not done much work on cars so may be put off if the installation is over complicated? Thanks, in advance, i have not been able to get any info out of Nissan on this subject so hope yoiu guys can shed some light.
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