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Posts posted by Anubis

  1. Always wondered this; I have my spare wheel in the boot as you'd expect but I've changed to 19" Volks last year and have never thought about the Spare wheel.


    I have a can of that spray glue stuff in the car at all times incase I do get a puncture.


    Would putting the smaller spare one on to "limp" home in an emergency be OK (I should leave it in the boot)? Or will putting this on make the zed very one sided (due to a smaller wheel) and may end up damaging the car even more? What are your thoughts on this?


    Should I take the spare wheel out since its dead weight?


    At the end of the day, I know I'd look a tool driving with 3 Volks and 1 spare wheel. :p


    What do you guys do?

  2. dont think this goes to anyway in getting his zed repaired though. I would first try to get the neighbour to cough up.


    This is obviously plan B - they don't admit fault and are total ****s :p

  3. There could be a simple reason such as they have a kid and whilst trying to get the child out and the door is wide open hence hitting your zed. :(


    Other than that (no kid), they are being total pr**ks - probably jealousy ("He has a nice car, so he can afford to fix it" attitude and just smacks it).


    I'd be FUMING if I were you! There are many options:


    > Put an exhaust whistle (joke shops have them) on the car - everywhere they go, they'll get a loud whistle until they figure it out.


    > Put curry powder into vents. Trust me - it'll be a treat in the summer and it won't go away


    > Let down the tyres. No need for nails (don't damage their car - you'll be just as bad as them) - simply deflate a tyre every so often so when they are in a rush to get to work every day they keep coming back to flat tyres. (They'll start off taking it to a garage wondering if faulty tyres and then they'll soon get the message when the penny drops).


    > Tie a piece of string under the car with a ball to it so it bounces around and smacks the hell out of their car when they are driving along. Just make sure it isn't long enough to hit others; also don't tie the string to anything hot so it burns off.


    > Get some duck tape and peel a single piece of string from the back of it. Run the string all over the car - it will stick and from a distance it looks like someone has keyed the **** out of your car. :D Nothing perm, but makes them have a minor heart attack.



    Any one else?

  4. If your zed is standard and your not leaving anything in it (iPod, CD player fascia, sat nav, etc) then it should be ok in an OK area.


    Only real time to worry is its parked in a dodgy area (you'll be asking for trouble).


    I've got a steering lock and put it on - can't hurt can it?


    I think I read somewhere that theives aren't usually after the actual car itself these days, but more what is in them.

  5. Speaking of Sunday what happened to you? Was expecting to see you at the cafe at the end?


    We ended up going down these seriously horrid small farm roads with a zillion pot holes and horse crap all over the road whilst it was soaking. It started out great, but the group I ended up in got lost for a bit.


    Whilst going down one road (barely able to squeeze the zed down), looking out my rear view at the Aston I hear two loud bangs. :scare::rant: Holy mother of god I got worried - thought I crashed at 5mph! I actually went over two HUGE pot holes, but thankfully both tyres went in and out very slowly.


    I stopped, got out (expecting to see the worst) and thankfully all was OK. I let the others go on without me cos I wanted to check the car over for damage.


    I ended up going home (I guessed you guys would have been long gone by the time I tried to find you).

  6. Not looking at one from a stealer , but could get a warrenty from someone like warrenty direct, but then again i will only be doing 200-300 miles a month so wander if its even worth worrying about. So i am guessing that the 313 are not worth the extra money.


    I wouldn't worry about it mate. If you find yourself a well looked after example then it should be pretty solid. I've never heard of any engine issues with them (they're bullet proof) and if something does go wrong, I very much doubt you'll be spending an extra £2k+ on fixing it (the same cash you decided to spend on the newest model).


    There are some nice cars that go for sale on here by us enthusiasts that totally cherish them. It's just a matter of keeping an eye out for the right one (patience is your friend). :thumbs:


    I got mine from a fellow enthusiast and nothing has gone wrong so far. No warranty needed. :)

  7. Ya i see what you mean but are they better cars than the 06 plates ? Did nissan change anything on them other than the engine?


    Slightly better plastic interior (better feel to it, but nothing drastic like a sudden german car interior worthy of the extra cash) and a few changes to the button layouts. Has LEDs as well (which can be brought separately from ZManAlex on here). I have the older model and the interior is slightly different, yet I totally changed it using carbon parts inside.


    The 313 BHP model also has a bulge in the bonnet rather than a slight indent. I prefer the older looking bonnet (looks more sporty than muscle car like the newest version).


    All the questions have been asked before - try searching the FAQs section. :)

  8. Good question. I've never driven a 313 BHP version but more than happy with the earliest model (the 276).


    Sounds to me like your into modding in which case you may as well free up the cash by getting a good quality older model. Overall the differences in terms of straight line speed is apparently very small (how often are you really going to need the extra power and how much of it is pub talk?). Depends what your plans are with the zed. I knew I wanted an extremely well looked after example and knew I wanted to place my mark on it through modding (it gets very expensive as you probably know). Would I tell myself a year ago that I should hold out for a more powerful younger model? No. I saved a lot of cash and got the perfect example after waiting a very long time.


    Zeds are all about noise and good looks. If you want raw power, I suggest and Evo or something.

  9. I drove my car on Sunday when the weather was really crappy. I hate taking the zed out in anything but nice warm sun; as I was driving I actually started to feel bored! :(


    It's not because of the zed - its due to the weather. Maybe it's the same in your situation?


    I couldn't go very fast or make any noise since the roads were so wet, my windows have to be kept closed, I'm trying to avoid puddles and god damn gritter lorries and salt patches - all I really wanted to do was get home, tuck the zed away after a quick clean and switch the TV on or something.


    However - come spring / summer time its the total opposite - the windows are down, music is playing, can drive a bit faster, make a lot more noise, people start to notice you more often waving and taking pics (is it me that only gets this?!) - the whole package comes together. :D


    Although I only use the zed for weekend fun (and 90% of the time if its dry).


    I'd say hold out for the spring at least. Have a few days whereby you can have the windows down and you may notice a difference with the whole experience.


    It's kind of like a holiday. Its not the destination, but often the weather that determines if your going to have fun.

  10. If you keep your car and something does go wrong, it won't cost £6k to put right (unless your engine randomly blows up).


    You'll end up spending cash for the sake of lower mileage and an earlier plate (and even then, you're risking something going wrong since you weren't its owner for the last x years).


    If your car is still making you happy and isn't breaking then why sell it?! It's not a T-Shirt, its a damn expensive car you probably have to work hundreds of hours for. :blush:


    (Don't mean to sound patronising, just trying to get the man to see sense). ;)

  11. What does the GT pack stand for? :)


    I think it's both. They overlap.


    You can have a sports GT (350z). You can also get a rally sports (Evo).


    Random Person: "Excuse me sir, what type of car do you drive?"

    Zed owner: "a sports car" B)




    Random Person: "Excuse me sir, what type of car do you drive?"

    Zed owner: "a GT car" :wacko:


    I bet most would say the first option - maybe to sound more impressive but they both overlap. Its a sports car, but what kind of sports car. Done. :)

  12. Just use my smiley rule...the bigger the smile, the higher category you're in. Simple's. :p


    HyperCars: Veyron, Zonda, etc :cloud9::cloud9:

    SuperCars: F430, GT3 RS, Gallardo, etc :cloud9:

    Super Sports: GTR (God knows why, but its not quite super for me yet more than a normal sports car) B):teeth:

    Sports Cars: 350Z, S2000, Evo, Scooby, etc :teeth:

    Hot Hatch: Corsa VXR, Type-Rs, Focus ST, Focus RS (sorry, but it is not a sports car) etc :)

    A Car: Focus, Corsa, Insignia, Astra, etc :yawn:

  13. History:

    Mine started out 6 or so years ago - but not in zed form.


    I actually got to sit in and have a ride in a Skyline R34 Nur spec (only 1 of 2 in the UK at the time) :cloud9: . It had ALL the Nismo goodies on it and cost a fortune - well over £60k (infact, there are pictures of it on the Internet). Any who, when stopped at the lights in the passenger seat (me knowing nothing about cars at the time) was stunned by how much reaction it got - people stood with their phones out, some even coming over to stroke it (a little odd, but it was stunning and my god it was a beast). Loads of people around me were stopping what they were doing because of this car I was sitting in. Was an amazing feeling - and my god it was fast (550BHP i think)!


    What's this got to do with me getting my zed? Well, I kept harping on to my poor family about Skylines non stop it drove them insane. I realised by making insurance quotes that it will be a dream for a good few years before I even get quoted let alone a good quote on one. Then one day my mate said "what about a 350z?"...


    I started to take an interest in zeds since the Skyline option went out the window (i'm sure it will be back in a few years) and came across this forum through research. :thumbs: Every day looking through the "cars for sale" section, dreaming I had saved up enough cash to buy one. I already been through the experience of getting a loan for a car and for me it kinda ruined it - knowing every month a few hundred goes out to the bank, so I told myself if I wanted one so badly I had to prove it by saving it up first and buying it outright.


    I worked pretty much flat out for about a year (even to the point of not buying "posh sandwiches" during lunch) and the final day arrived. I found Nismo Dave advertising the beauty I have now (and thanks to you lot, I've spent thousands more modding it! lol).


    On the day:

    I couldn't get to sleep. I'd never owned a car this big or powerful before and things like "what if I crash or slide" kept going through my head (forever the optimist, lol). I had my eye on Nismo Dave's zed for a good month or so thinking "why is no one buying such an immaculate car?!" - I took the plunge. :)


    I had put a deposit down for Dave without even seeing the zed so he knew not to sell it other than to me. All I had to go on were 10 or so pictures from this forum. He was all the way down in Devon, and I am 40 miles north of London! Was a bricking it? Yes and some. I was about to spend around 1 years constant saving and budgeting on something I've never seen in real life. I had test driven another though from Nissan a couple of weeks before, so knew if it was the right car for me.


    Took the train all the way down (about 3-4 hours I think), whilst my girlfriend next to me is asking me questions like "ohh-did you see that castle". I was a bit pre-occupied with sweaty palm syndrome at the time and couldn't care less even if martians were outside. :lol: (I did apologise to her after I got the car though).


    Got outside from the station and started wondering around looking for a bright blue Nismo azure - and there it was tucked away from us with cars parked all around it. I walked up to it and saw a bearded man (older than me) sitting in it - this was Nismo Dave. I did think "er...what if he thinks I'm just some stupid young'en trying to buy his pride and joy" - had to admit Nismo Dave looked a little scarey for the first 5 seconds until I knocked on the window and said hello.


    Eventually it turns out Dave was one of the nicest blokes I've met. Really honest, knew loads about the car and even said "sorry if its a bit dirty" - (er...you what?! It's spotless). :)


    Only two seats, so had to leave girlfriend in the local town place with the station, whilst I drove the zed a few miles to the bank to transfer funds (god it felt huge reversing from the bay first time. I was so scared of pushing my foot down a little too hard and hitting something - and it wasnt my car yet!)


    Had a good old chat about cars and thankfully Dave gave me loads of tips and knew loads about the car and its history. Went to his house and signed paperwork and that was that.


    Sad watching a man wave goodbye, whilst I drove away his pride and joy but I promised I'd look after it like a baby and have done ever since. :)


    On the way back to the station to get my girlfriend (who had now been waiting for 1.5 hours god bless her), I stop at some lights. Hot sunny day in May, put the windows down with HUGE grin on my face (couldn't believe i'd finally got a dream car of mine) and a clio pulls up with man and wife. Man revs. He revs some more. I sit there waiting for green. Another clio rev. "Oh wait! He wants me to rev! aha!" I put my foot down for a lovely howl and made them both giggle like little girls and I knew, this car was going to attract awesome attention.


    On way home, stopped to fill her up and some blokes commented on it as well and started taking photos. It doesn't stop... :D

  14. As title says really. These cars have that magic something that turns us back into 5 year olds on Xmas Eve, so was wondering what everyone's experience was when collecting your zed.


    > Was it a sudden purchase only a week or so back or did you long to own one for years?

    > Could you sleep the night before?

    > Did you wake up earlier than you would normally?

    > What did you do in the morning and what were your feelings (anxious, excited, worried, etc)?

    > What were your feelings collecting it in person and sitting behind the wheel knowing it's yours for the first time?

    > Did you go out for hours of driving straight away or did you go back home to admire it in peace?

    > Did you go straight to a family or friends house and give loved ones a quick blast?

    > Was it your first sports car? If not, which experience was the most memorable? The first one or your zed?

    > Do you remember others pointing and giving you the thumbs up or taking pics for the first time?


    Everyone will no doubt share the same feelings of happiness - but what was your personal experience like? :)

  15. Update; I've booked for the three nights.


    The receptionist wasn't too helpful mind. :dry:


    1. Beavis: Deluxe Room 22nd (Wood)

    2. Ebized: Deluxe Room 21/22/23rd (Chandler)

    3. Rich5259: Deluxe Room 21/22nd (Brown)

    4. DawnC: Deluxe Room 21/22/23rd ( Cowe )

    5. Shire: Deluxe Room 21/22/23rd (Chapman)

    6. Nixy: Double Room 22nd (Pattison)

    7. Markie: Double Room 22nd (Colyer)

    8. Greekman: Deluxe Double!! Room 21/22nd (Ziaras)

    9. Chris`I: Deluxe Room 21/22/23rd (Ingram)

    10. Anubis + 1: Double Room 21/22/23rd (Aitken)

    11. Lincolnbaggie: Deluxe room 21/22/23rd (Neil Morris)

    12. fakeindian: Deluxe room 22nd (Neil Shannon)

    13. AK350Z: Deluxe Room 22/23rd (Kirkby)

    14. H5: Double Room 22nd (Pears)

    15. DontPanic (Dave): Standard Room 21/22nd (Hart)

    16. Vik54: Double 21/22/23rd (Long)

    17. Darren-b Deluxe Room 21st/22nd/23rd (Bell)

    18. Rtbiscuit + mrs biscuit: Deluxe Room 22nd (Thompson)

    19. JT1703 : Deluxe Room 21st/22nd/23rd (Turner)

    20. martinmac: Deluxe Room 21st/22nd (MacDonald)

    21. eddz350: Deluxe Room 22nd (Tittensor)

    22.SwanageDave 21st 22nd and maybe 23rd Deluxe (Dave Ogden)

    23. Andyvvc + Lydia: Deluxe Room 21st and 22nd (Barraclough)

    24. Taddy: Double Room 22nd (Froggatt)

    25. Chesterfield: Deluxe Room 21st/22nd (Ball)

    26. cookiemonster86 + Sarah; 22nd/23rd/24th Standard (Cooke)


    1. husky: Kennel 22nd

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