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Posts posted by Jon350z

  1. Got some good news today, The company I work for (Barclays Commercial) are going to match pound for pound (up to £750) what I raise, so big thanks to the people that have already sponsored me, your donation will be doubled and if any more people would like to sponsor me their donation will also be doubled. So once I complete the marathon I submit what I have raised and the charity can claim the addition from Barclays.


    If I could ask the people that have already donated, too double check your donation has gone though, I've had people say to me they've made donation and its not showing.





  2. Hello everyone.


    So yesterday I got a call saying that my application to run the London Marathon on 26th April for Children with Leukaemia has been accepted and I am part of their running team for this years London Marathon.


    Its my first full marathon and quite nervous, but been training with between 6-10 mile runs every other night, and with football training two night a week and games every Saturday, I feel I'm not too far away from being ready. My main issue is teaching myself to run slower, I tend to run quite quick and in a marathon that could be very detrimental.


    So anyway, I am helping to raise money for Children with Leukaemia, not for any particular reason just that I feel its a charity that puts a lot of time, effort and money into help children and families with the effects that Leukaemia has on a peoples lives.


    I am looking for any donation however small or big and I know times are hard but lets face it, other people and families are a lot worse off. So please any donation would be greatly appreciated.


    Here is the link to my donation page, please check the gift aid box, it helps raise an extra 28% this is the first place I have adversited my page so please help me get off 0.00




    Their is also more information on the charity.


    Thank you so much, and wish me luck in my training and on the big day.




    Remember a few years ago about that barn find I think it was in Spain where a couple moved over there? Part of the house sale came a massive barn that was welded up shut - when they opened it they found about 40 classic cars all covered in dust sheets! :surrender: wow!


    I remember that.


    Why does this stuff never happen to me :dry:

  4. Cool,


    Had a quick flick, I can't register when I'm at work. Work computer is very limited. That's what you get for working for a sodding Bank :lol:


    The phone can play MP4 files so got to find a way of putting the video's from my Itunes library to play on the phone.

  5. Does anyone know where I can get TV downloads to play on my mobile, Eg Top Gear, Simpsons, Family Guy South Park that kind of thing.


    I just got a Nokia N96 and the picture quality is amazing, so just want something to watch when i bored lol.





  6. Yes still works that way, So the car is locked. Just immobiliser and alarm isn't active, which worries me slightly.


    Trying to get the car in at Nissan over Christmas might prove difficult though.

  7. Got some key fob issues.


    Basically I have two keys, the one I use everyday (call this No1) and the spare in the house (No 2). I needed to give the spare key to some one to pick my car up tomorrow and the key No2 doesn't work, I figure battery, so took the battery out of the No 1 Key and put into Key No 2. However this for some reason didn’t work so I decided to put the battery back into key No 1, however now this doesn’t work either, so I have two keys one battery that has worked everyday until I took it out of the main fob and now I can’t lock the car.


    I've tired reprogramming the key, found in the post by GIXXERUK in this thread.


    http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... ht=key+fob


    But still no joy, any ideas?


    Any help much appreciated.



  8. I'm afraid I'm going to have to bail on this one guys. Some tits at work have fecked up a release and apparently I'm the only one that can fix it :rant::rant: Still I'm getting paid pretty much what I want (read: more than I would normally make in 2 days) so I cant really say no :blush:


    Hope you all have a good one, looks like its going to be excellent B)


    That sucks mate.


    Who else is still on for meeting in Reading?

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