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Right, it's time for CoiIovers...


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Right, screw it. I've had enough. I want coiIovers.


Used is fine... but reaIIy onIy have circa £350 squid to pIay with at the moment...


I know that's a tight budget, but if you don't ask, etc etc...


PIease heIp feed my zeditis someone!!!!

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No. Just... No.


Why do you think you need different suspension? What are you trying to achieve?


The easy answer here is to double your budget and get a set of the BC Racing BR:RS springs and dampers. Cheap suspension just ruins a car, and tbh no-one's going to sell any aftermarket suspension for your budget unless it's shot.




Also, you already have coilovers on the front ;)

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I'm not sure how you consider 'doubling my budget' the easy answer...


I'm trying to lower the centre of gravity of the car as well as improve the style of it. I also want to go drifting soon, so kind of necessery. I'm not going to buy 'cheap' coilovers, because I have no desire to buy new... but to buy some usedy BC's or something would be fine, even if they've done several thousand miles...


Just look at the above poster, Ian, with his smarty pants comment. He got a set of Meisters for under £300!! I'd be so happy with that I would pee a little.

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I'm not sure how you consider 'doubling my budget' the easy answer...

It is an easy answer. You have a £25,000 sports coupe, parts aren't going to be peanuts.


Sometimes you really just do need more money to buy things. Sad fact of life. ;)

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Indeed I do, but that's what this forum is for... The bargains I've had from buster, from Mattross etc... What I'm looking at isn't really out of the question. Even Vlad putting his HSDs up for circa £450, it's not a million miles away. I just need to bide my time I feel, wait for some kind soul to be getting theirs back to standard...


I'm not in a HUGE rush. So in terms of needing more money, it depends really whether you're after something that is brand spanking, or if you're prepared to settle for some used ones. ;)

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