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Birdview - odd blank screen issue...


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Ok, an odd one and I can't find any info about the issue online! I have an '04 uk GT with factory fitted birdview nav. However, the nav will only display a blank screen - that is, until I hold the eject button.


Of course, this is useless. 1 - I can't drive like this, and 2 - even if I could, as I'm pressing eject, there is no disc in the nav so it just shows the nissan logo.


Anyone experienced or heard of this before?! I know people will just tell me to replace the nav with an aftermarket but this costs money I'm trying to save and if it's not repairable then I'll just leave it be for now.


Thanks for any advice given!





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When my uncle owned the car it worked fine - he bought the car new in 2004, and it's an original with the remote. I don't think it's the disc due to the way it behaves - the moment I release the eject button the screen goes blank!


Ditching the sat nav will again involve money buying a cubby which I wouldn't use - so it's get it working or leave it dead!

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Out messing with the car again last night. Seems the nav unit isn't being 'told' to switch on with the ignition - where should I be looking? The screen switches on but nav doesn't. If you hold the eject button the disc will eject and unit stay on, displaying nissan, for around 10 seconds before switching off again!

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Unsure about your issue but behind the DVD unit behind the seat is a little pair of wires that turn it on when the cubby is raised, they were made to the exact length needed and as such can come unplugged or snap easily if you'r (meaning me) rough with it, could be this wire s broken somewhere...

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