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Events over the Bank Holiday

4RE Leather

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Is anyone going to a decent event over the Holiday?

There are 2 on Sunday that i know about.

One is wings and wheels at Dunsfold


The other is



I rather like the Essex revenge cruise as apparently the last one in 2009 had approx 5000 cars turn up.

How true this is i do not know but the pictures on the site would indicate a good event.

Dunsfold has a lot of planes including the last Avro Vulcan. That will shut your resonated exhausts up lol.

Edited by 4RE Leather
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Dunsfold has a lot of planes including the last Avro Vulcan. That will shut your resonated exhausts up lol.


I live at the end of the runway that plane lives on (Doncaster Airport) and fook me is it loud! I live about 1 mile due north of the runway, so whether it's landing or taking off, it's less than 1000 feet above my house when it goes over, lol. Can tell the difference between it and a passenger jet by the fact that we don't notice the passenger jets.....nuff said.

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