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Evoque vs Freelander 2


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Mr Two Bears is looking for his next car but we can't decide between the Evoque (he's got one currently and likes it a lot) or the Freelander 2 which we have both had in every variety including a commercial in the past few years, and also liked a lot. They both have pros and cons and neither of us can make a decision despite visiting the dealership for the past two weekends :surrender:


Has anyone got any words of wisdom before we toss a coin? Although will be Mr Two Bear's car (and he's insisting on an automatic, which I hate) I will end up driving it a lot because he's going abroad to work at the end of the year and won't be in the UK much, so I need to like the car too. We're not fighting over it but genuinely can't decide which to choose, the larger, more expensive (tax-wise) one or the smaller, better on the tax front, one. I think size matters :blush: so am inclining towards the Freelander but the interior finish isn't as nice as the Evoque. We have to order it in the next few weeks and I don't know how to come to the right decision :shrug:

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Evoque, i do like them although I think the Evoque is nothing more than something that should have been badged a Freelander Sport. However badging it Range Rover allows them to add several thousands to the price.


It is very tiny compared to the proper Range Rovers but it is quite nice inside. I prefer the Freelander's size but the interior isn't as nice. It would be good to have the exterior of one and the interior of the other.

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