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Boston Ms. bomb explosions


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To some extent I agree, but then I'm also glad that there were a lot of people watching and filming the bombs, and especially the aftermath. That kind of stuff can be both crucial to the investigation, as well watching how the emergency services (amongst others) react and how it could be improved next time. For all the folks that say that filming this kind of stuff is morbid and grisly, we're also fortunate that we live in an age where it's possible to record this,


As far as the media coverage goes, I'd rather see hours of this than headline news consisting of a celebrity falling out of a club or whatnot. The point of a terror attack is to cause maximum disruption and casualties with minimum effort, and use that to disrupt the lives of the general public who then live in fear. Even if there was only one small piece of footage that only the headline news used on the hour, you cannot stop the internet with something like this and that would be just as widely seen as the mainstream news outlets.Terrorism has been going on for years (and always will), the fact we have more media to cover it now doesn't make a difference to events like this. Perhaps to the Batman shooting, but not things like this.



I caveat that by saying we have no idea if this was genuine terrorism as we expect it to be by a group, or just one nutter with a grudge.

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I hadnt seen this as I havent turned the TV on for a while.


A tragic incident and I can see no logical reason to target such an event. I find it poignant that the bomb went off next to a line of international flags which clearly shows that this event is truly international. As such its not an attack on the USA but on the world community.


I can see no point at all in selecting such a target.


There are some misguided lunatics out there.

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