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How is this possible?!?! :(


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The family of a British WWII hero has put the pilot's war memorabilia up on sale as they struggle to pay off the old man's nursing care. UK veterans and elderly increasingly face financial difficulties with a slow economy and hiking commodity prices.


The auction lot includes Branse Burbridge’s medals, flight jacket and flight logs.


Once a war hero and a top flyer, Burbridge is 92 and suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. RT's correspondent Sara Firth met with his daughter in London.


"I said ‘look Dad, these are your medals and we’re selling them," Sarah Christine says, "And there was a smile and there was a sort of recognition that these were his, so I have no doubt he has some understanding of what’s happening."




Come on, Mr Cameroon, do something for the HERO!!!



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When my mum had to go into a home I had to pay out of my own pocket £1,700 per month to the private home she was in. On top of that I had to fork out for all her sundries and settle all of her bills. I was unable to gain power of attorney over my Mum's finances as she had dementia and her solicitor said that my mum was unfit to sign her affairs over to me. I basically had the choice of paying her bills myself or letting the solicitor deal with it, which I wasn't prepared to do. My mum had a considerable amount of savings and her own house which had to remain empty for 18 months until she passed away. I believe that nursing home costs are in excess of £2,000 a month these days.




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