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Rim prepping.......and new tyres


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There's an independent tyre place next to my work.

Got to know the owner quite well as his cousin used to work with me too.


When I took my zed to have new boots fitted I made sure wheels were spotless so the new balancing weights would stick well.

He was appreciative and proceeded to show me a wire brush resembling a well used toothbrush saying that's what he normally uses on the average neglected alloys before sticking weights on :scare: .


Does anyone else prep their rims for new tyres?

Do you go a step further and even remove the old weights yourself first so the wheelbacks aren't scratched as the fitter wrenches them off with a screwdriver?



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When I do tyre fitting at my place, we use a plastic clip trim tool to pull off old weights so that doesnt scratch the finish, then use buffsol/stick stuff remover and a cloth to clean the wheel and remove residue from old weights.


We even have leverless machines, so we dont need to dig lever bars onto your wheels. Guess what I'm trying to say is not all tyres places are so pikey. :lol:

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When I do tyre fitting at my place, we use a plastic clip trim tool to pull off old weights so that doesnt scratch the finish, then use buffsol/stick stuff remover and a cloth to clean the wheel and remove residue from old weights.


We even have leverless machines, so we dont need to dig lever bars onto your wheels. Guess what I'm trying to say is not all tyres places are so pikey. :lol:


This place sounds fantastic,where are you? lol


I took my wheels and tyres to a place a few months ago to have them fitted,and they marked the inside of the outer rim trying to get the tyres on. Pulled the wheels off a few weeks later to find that they had obviously used a pallet knife to get the old weights off,and slipped and put a massive scratch on the inside of the wheel,and every wheel has marks where they removed the old weights. They didnt bother removing the old weight backing either. :rant:

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They didn't even remove the old weights! WTF!


We are based in Luton (Sundon Park) :)


They removed the old weights with a pallet knife by the look of it,certainly nothing as careful as what you use!

They left the glue on the wheels from the weights

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