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Vented bumper

Adam rs

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Just having a poke around in the bay of my new car when i fitted my plenum spacer and noticed the air inlet is not particularly well placed.

I have seen other cars with the carbon vent fitted in the bumper and it can only be an improvement.

I was a bit concerned about water ingress when it rains but if it was offset it would be fine.

Anyone fitted the vent or something similar with the standard air box?

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I can't comment on water ingress, but I was having a tinker last night and removed the air filter to give it a clean. The box infront of the filter that the existing vent leads too was full of leaves!


Admitedly I've only had the car 2 weeks so don't know how long since it's been checked, but there were a good couple of handfulls!

Maybe if the air was being drawn in through the bumper rather from inside it may suck up less debris as they are kick up off the road, hard to say really.

Probably not the most amout of help, but something to consider. :)



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Maybe work getting some sall holed mesh to put over teh intake hole prior to the filter!

Nothing too small to restrict the flow, but enough to stop leaves etc from entering.

But then again, the suction force may just pull them through anyway!




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