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Trackday Question


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Good afternoon everyone!


I've got a bit aof a quandry about trackdays and the majority of drivers being uninsured.

Does anyone know the answer, me and a few mates were debating this in the pub the other week and couldn't agree.


So here is the hypothetical situation.s.

You go on a trackday and don't get trackday insurance obviously if you crash and write your car off thats your own fault no issues.

However, what happens if others are involved?


Situation A) You crash into someone writing both cars off, neither driver is insured?

Situation B) You crash into someone writing off both cars the other driver is insured?

Situation C) You crash into someone writing off both cars and injuring or killing the other driver? (A situation I hope no one ever gets into) Neither driver is insured?

Situation D) You crash into someone writing off both cars and injuring or killing the other driver? (A situation I hope no one ever gets into) the other driver is insured?


Can of worms open have at it ya'll



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Don't know this specific type of insurance but I would expect that trackday insurance only covers your car no matter who else is involved.

i.e Whether you or somone else causes the crash only your car is covered. Same for injury although I'd be surprised if the track didnt make you sign a health and safety waiver.


Sure somone that knows what they are talking about will be along shortly..............

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A ) Nothing.

B ) You get nothing, other driver claims off his own track cover and gets some money back.

C ) Nothing, but this is why TDOs have very expensive liability cover and you sign disclaimers. If you were driving dangerously and the TDO had done everything within their power to stop you then you'd be up for a manslaughter charge at the very least.

D ) Same as above, although possibly the next of kin for the other driver would get the insurance money from the car.




Track day cover only covers you for damage to your car and nothing else. No cover for personal injury or damage to other objects (cars or scenery) is included.

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there is never and blame given on track, so if your car is in the pits and someone crashes into your stationary car its your problem...


track day cover is expensive because of the dangers involved, some trackday organisers are better than others. i took cover out for the first day i did then never bothered again, just my preference, everyone there knows the risks..


didnt insure the car when i raced last year either but i did the year before for 4 races and depending on what we do this year i might...


if money was no object i would but decided to spend the money on the best safety equipment i could afford instead :)

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Thanks for the replies folks, I thought I posted this yesterday maybe I am going crazy! :blink:


Yeah the cover isn't too expensive at £80 - £100 but the 3 - 5k excess mean unless you have a pretty big crash getting the insurance isn't really worth it in my opinion.

I just wondered what would happen in relation to my first posts.





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