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at last


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Finally the insurance have made a decent offer. i crashed the car back at the begining of November, about a month ago they sent a check for £7400 (car value £8000 minus £600 excess) obviously this was some kind of joke! Our car was an '04 UK GT 43,000m very clean. I sent them a wad of ads for similar cars to ours with average price of about £9500.....as i said, that was a month ago! must be very busy after all the snow based fun people have been having recently.

Well, first thing this morning they rang to say, based on the ads i sent, they were prepared to accept it will cost £9000 to replace the car, i said i still think £9500 minimum. They said 'you never pay the advertised price though' which is true i suppose. But i argued anyway :rant: ,the guy said 'OK, i'll meet you halfway- £9250' which i suppose is acceptable. They will still take off the £600 excess though, gits.

Anyway, its good to be able to start shopping again, i've missed the car sooooooo much. So if any of you guys spot a good one, in Sunset, for around £9500 or less, give me a heads up please.

It's a bummer really 'cos id just fitted a Scorpian exhaust a few weeks before the crash, but, i was looking for new wheels as well so i could have destroyed those too if id found some i liked before the crash!

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