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So cross this morning!


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Immaterial of wither you want to claim insurance, it would be worth popping into your local police station to inform them and provide them with the registration number. They might go round to the woman's house and provide her with a caution for not stopping when she hit you, or they may just simply put it on their system as intel in case it happens again. For all you know she may have done it before or may do it again.


But as I indicated in my previous post the other driver may well say it was Nixy who pulled over and then did not stop (who I hasten to add I have no doubt was utterly blameless, before I get a :slap::blush: ) . Without a witness what will the police do?


Just one of those things that we all get upset about, like the hit and run barstewards, but then getting all stressed out trying in vain to put a wrong right, and you can even end up being the accused! Best left alone IMHO.

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I wouldn't bother - the police have little interest in these things at the best of times. I've had clients involved in hit and runs whose cars have been rendered undriveable and who have sustained injury and still the police just take down details and do nothing. Our local force seem delighted to parade their impounded uninsured cars but these fell into their laps whilst investigating a hit and run takes time and effort...


I'm not suggesting the police are lazy but with budgets and cuts a hit and run with no injury is unilkely to be a priority.


Agreed. I was "hit-and-run" outside my own house and went to the police with partial details of the offender. They wouldn't investigate and if you tell them someone "touched " your wing mirror and there's no damage and no witnesses, they'll politely show you the door.


Imagine if they did follow this sort of thing up. You'd need a police force of about 2 million.

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Immaterial of wither you want to claim insurance, it would be worth popping into your local police station to inform them and provide them with the registration number. They might go round to the woman's house and provide her with a caution for not stopping when she hit you, or they may just simply put it on their system as intel in case it happens again. For all you know she may have done it before or may do it again.


But as I indicated in my previous post the other driver may well say it was Nixy who pulled over and then did not stop (who I hasten to add I have no doubt was utterly blameless, before I get a :slap::blush: ) . Without a witness what will the police do?


Just one of those things that we all get upset about, like the hit and run barstewards, but then getting all stressed out trying in vain to put a wrong right, and you can even end up being the accused! Best left alone IMHO.


Police obviously respond to things differently in different area's, up here you can be visited for road rage, dangerous driving etc (all on someone else's word). I don't expect they would do anything or do any investigating, but simply having a log of it (which they do have a system for) would mean that if it happened in future then it could help that person out possibly.


As someone has already pointed out, what if they are uninsured and hence why they didn't stop? The input could possibly save a future incident, big or small.

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