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I've tried it before, and despite the very dodgy science surrounding it (you really need 100% nitrogen in there to make the big differences, which unless they suck all the normal air out using a vacuum won't happen) I was happy with the results. The theory is that nitrogen holds less water vapour than air, so when you get the tyres hot on a run you don't get such varying tyre pressures: They should sit more or less where they were when cold. Because of the installation method I've already mentioned I'm not convinced that that holds very true, however I did notice that the tyres held their pressure long term far better with nitrogen than with normal air.


For what it costs (and it should be no more than about £1 per corner) it's worth trying and seeing what you think. FWIW I don't bother any more, but I'm glad I made the effort to try it and find out.

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It's not really necessary to suck the air out first.


Air is 78% nitrogen anyway and considering it will start at 1bar pressure putting it up to 2.4bar (35psi) means less than 10% of the contents of your tyre will be oxygen/trace gases. The pressure differential caused by tyres heating up is caused mainly by the interaction of hydrogen and oxygen (moisture) which drops the effective volume of particles capable of causing the pressure increase to any discernible level even lower.


Not a lot of point putting it in your tyres for pure road use but at the same time there's no real point refusing it if it's offered.


Good for track time though.

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