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Battlefield 1943.....


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played the demo the other night, was ok, do you reckon its worth getting the full game, i remember it from my PC days, just got so used to COD that i'm not sure i can go back.


If you were a PC fan boy in the past I’m sure you longingly remember BF 1942 :D


It's basically that with shiny graphics and updated physics.......... i loved 1942 and i love 1943 even more.. :thumbs:


COD is all fought relatively close with small/indoory maps, where as the maps in BF are epically huge......! It feels like war and as a result a lot more hectic and ultimately fun imo.....

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played the demo last night, thought i was "ok" especially for an xbox live game on download only.


dont like the compression of classes to 3 though, think the Battlefield 2 class layout was balanced perfectly. that why i play it religously :lol:


loving the fact wake island is on it, now means its been in every Battlefield game and also like the handling of the planes in the demo at least. be interesting to see if people who really master the art of flight will become the rulers of the game kinda like some maps in bf2 when a good j-10 pilot could probably got 40 or 50 kills without dying and just **** everyone off :boxing:

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played the demo last night, thought i was "ok" especially for an xbox live game on download only.


dont like the compression of classes to 3 though, think the Battlefield 2 class layout was balanced perfectly. that why i play it religously :lol:


loving the fact wake island is on it, now means its been in every Battlefield game and also like the handling of the planes in the demo at least. be interesting to see if people who really master the art of flight will become the rulers of the game kinda like some maps in bf2 when a good j-10 pilot could probably got 40 or 50 kills without dying and just **** everyone off :boxing:


BF2 and CSS remind me of my early teenage years where i quite literally was so engrossed in my PC and gaming i had no life....!! :lol:

Then i discovered women :thumbs:


Still find time for BF2 on the xbox tho' ;)

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i stumped up and bought it in the end


you'll find me on there as rtbiscuit :p


oh by the way i'm not that good. would happily play a squad game if we got a team togehter.

I had a go of the demo, but it only lasted 1/2 hr. I may bite the bullet and buy this soon.

Mostly on COD4 as Ticky66 :p Need to be prised off that first :lol:

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