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Moving house and moving phone - problem!!


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My phone and internet are both with Talk Talk who despite not having a brilliant repuation have been ok so far. The problem is that now we are moving house in a fortnight and it is NOT straight forward. We are only moving up the same street but apparently as BT still own the line (even though we don't pay them) we have to cancel our Talk Talk contract, take out a BT contract then either wait 3 months to cancel it and go back to Talk Talk or buy ourselves out of it. This means we also have to change our number! In the meantime god knows how I get my broadband. Talk Talk told us yesterday that BT have but a disconnection notice on our line but we haven't even spoken to BT yet! I've been trying to phone them this morning but can't get through! Anyone else had this problem?

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I had the same problem when i was living with my ex and we moved house.


We ended up having to take out a new year contract with talk talk, however i got my Mum's friend to draft up a very nice letter to them saying that its the person who buys into the contract not the property, therefore the contract should roll over to the new property.


I never heard back so cancelled the contract. To this day i have not heard anything back.

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so who did you end up with and did you need a new number? i am in a bt queue right now! :rant:
We had to get a new number as we didnt need the existing one, we ended up going with Tiscali and had no problems with them. I am not sure how it is like now as i dont live there, but i believe that it is going ok still.
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done that, they say BT own the line so we need to sort it out with them, take out a bT contract then cancel it! BT man not happy and said "Im telling you now you can only have a 12 month contract off us". I may as well cancel my Talk Talk altogether and start again with anyone else. If they are incapable of moving a customer up the road then they can shove it!

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Maybe try calling your local Car Phone Warehouse or better yet go into one as they are the ones that sell Talk Talk.


Maybe have a look on their website for a FAQ for moving house.


I used to be on Talk Talk at my old property but cancelled the contract a few months before I moved out so i'm afraid I haven't had any expereince of it first hand.

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Ditch talk-talk. Cut your losses (if any) and join BT. They may not be brilliant and may cost a pound or two more, but at least you only ever deal with one company!

You will have to suck up the phone number change but at least it's a known problem and can be dealt with reasonably easily.

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As i said, its with Talk talk so i would go into a carphone warehouse as suggested and kick up a fuss. They have an obligation to respond to you and sort out your problem, if not, i believe they could be invalidating their part of the contract, hence you can cancel it.

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Thats what I'll do then, ring them up and if they will not move me (as it says they can on their website) then I will cancel them and go elsewhere - probably BT for a start.


And next I need to phone British Gas to cancel.................my ELECTRICITY! :lol:

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