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Posts posted by cerealuk

  1. Thought I'd got away with driving in the nasty icey conditions and snow the last few days. Was really proud of myself when disaster struck :bang::bang::bang:







    The roads were really bad on the way home from work tonight and the Ice finally got me at the local petrol station :bang::bang::bang:







    Don't think I can claim on the insurance as I have a £750 excess :bang::bang::bang:








    Stupid Ice :bang::bang::bang::bang:








    Will get photos of the damage up soon but here's what happened...










    I pulled into the petrol station. Stopped and got out after popping the filler cap.. Turned the cap and the bit of plastic that allows the cap to dangle down while you fill up had got so brittle that it snapped :( :( :(


    O well could have been worse I suppose!!!

  2. Hi


    Did a service on the brakes ,and a oil change last night whilst getting out the jack I found what looked like a very over designed window scraper :teeth: made out of 10mm steel with the tool kit. Obviously it's not but what the hell is it ? :wacko: also why is there a little 10mm spannr in there also.




    M9O OEY




    10 mm long ?

    10 mm wide ?

    10 mm thick ?




    none of the above ?



    10mm long i recon..


    Its probably for the dwarfs to service their little dwarf skateboards after using the skateramp.. :lol::lol::lol:

  3. I have one that just sticks on the window. Suction mounted. It's pretty good I found. Plus u won't damage the car. eBay jobby.


    Aye spotted those but wanted something ideally that fixes lower down out of view of the windscreen, sorta near the centre console would be best.


    I think im going to have to fit something permanate..

  4. Sorry for hijacking your thread cerealuk :blush: We have sidetracked a wee bit


    Hehe its ok, my cars been going sideways constantly the last couple of days.. so seems right that my topic should too :p


    Was actually worse driving in today, Took me like 15mins to get 100m up the road. It's not not on a hill or anything but wheel spin galore :( Found that turning ESP off and sort of snaking sideways helps! Once on the main roads though it wasn't too bad until I had to turn corners :wacko:


    Unfortunately not going into work is not an option for me, even if I have to walk the 8+ miles so I've just been taking it easy and leaving loads of space.


    The driver side door is frozen shut so I currently have to climb in through the passenger door, hope that doesnt freeze up too :( My poor seats are covered in snow from climbing over :(


    i've been bombing around int the snow without to many issues. key tricks (sorry if this is teaching granny to suck eggs)


    1. pull away in 2nd or third gear

    2. only use enough throttle not to stall

    3. don't use the brake

    4. slow down with the gears

    5. leave enough of a gap so that you can slow down just by dipping the clutch

    6. time entry on to juctions so that you don't have to stop

    7. set your speed before a corner any kind of braking or accelerating will end badly

    8. if your spinning the wheels your only making it worse. if stuck use the clutch to rock the car out.

    9. if neccessary get out and clear snow from behind or in front of the rear tyres.

    10. if attempting a hill make sure you don't have to stop half way, have a runn up and keep the momentum going.

    11. if your slidding opposite lock and try and balance it and the power out.


    sure there is more but can;t think off the top of my head.



    Aye been doing most of these, however none seem to apply on the stretch of road from my house to the main road where it is pretty much just a sheet of ice :scare::scare::scare:

    I did find lots of swearing helps though!

  5. Am after a phone holder for well.. my phone (who'd have thought!)


    Wondering how best to fit it without it damaging the dash. The phone is a HTC Desire HD and all i need is for it to be able to plug it in to the cigaretter lighter adapter. If I need to permanately mount it to the dash then as long as its a generic holder so that I can use it with other phones etc thats cool also


    Any ideas ?

  6. Sorry for hijacking your thread cerealuk :blush: We have sidetracked a wee bit


    Hehe its ok, my cars been going sideways constantly the last couple of days.. so seems right that my topic should too :p


    Was actually worse driving in today, Took me like 15mins to get 100m up the road. It's not not on a hill or anything but wheel spin galore :( Found that turning ESP off and sort of snaking sideways helps! Once on the main roads though it wasn't too bad until I had to turn corners :wacko:


    Unfortunately not going into work is not an option for me, even if I have to walk the 8+ miles so I've just been taking it easy and leaving loads of space.


    The driver side door is frozen shut so I currently have to climb in through the passenger door, hope that doesnt freeze up too :( My poor seats are covered in snow from climbing over :(

  7. Decided to drive.


    Made it to work ok :thumbs: Couple of hairy moments with the back end kicking out even though I was only doing <20mph but all good.


    Think I may try and put some heavy stuff in the boot though if the weather is the same tomorrow!

  8. Just looking out at the snow outside my window and its building up nicely. Not sure whether to risk the drive to work or not. I have to be in work for 8am and usually leave about 7:30 to get there in plenty of time.


    Never driven the zed in snow before (in fact never driven it in winter as only got it last Feb). Problem I have is my work expect me to be in no matter what it takes (trainee air traffic controller) so dunno what to do :shrug::shrug::shrug:


    Im considering leaving at like 6:30 in the hope that the roads are quiet so I can plod along slowly.. only other alternative is walk.. 8 miles


    Or try and persuade my dad to let me use his shed..


    Is it really that bad driving a zed in the snow ? :/

  9. ...either side of the centre console (about knee height) are for..


    Nissan may have you believe that they are so you don't hurt your knees... in truth they are really there so you dont hurt your hand when you have to clunk the side of it every 15mins or so to make your left speaker start working again!



  10. I have very cheap nasty tires at the mo and have never had any problems as long as I keep esp on. Concerned about the winter though if we have snow, wondering whether to change my tires early (they still have a few thousand miles left on them) or stick with them. This will be my first winter in the zed...

  11. Have noticed that my poor Alezan is starting to get damaged by the buttons on my rear trouser pockets. Only seems to be the side bits that hold you in place though. Can anyone recommend any seat covers that wont look pants ? I wouldnt need to cover the back just the bottom and supporting sides.



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