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Posts posted by SteveW

  1. I've used Gordon's Tyres in the past, just off the M1 junction on Flanshaw Way




    Thanks mate but I did a search on the net for Gordon's Tyres and there were lots of bad reports so I didn't fancy them.

    One report of toe adjustment with a hammer!


    But I did find a place at Huddersfield - Allcar Tyres and Exhausts from http://www.alignmycar.co.uk. They seem like avery good place to me.

    All the mechanics were sound were asking me about the car etc and they have a proper Hunter 4 wheel alignment machine that checks Camber, Castor, Toe, Thrust etc etc


    If anyone needs aligning I would be very happy to recommend them.


    It cost me £65 for the 4 wheel alignment and the car feels much much better now, the steering feels way more direct.

    All in all well happy and all ready for next weeks trackday.


    I don't have a camber adjustment kit at the front so the technician was unable to adjust the front camber which is why its close to the limit but still green.

  2. Hmm,


    Might be a silly question but I don't know teh answer and if you don't know always ask!

    I was at an Airfield trackday today with a mate just spectating and there were a few cars driving round with their number plates covered up with Gaffa Tape. At the end of teh day they ripped the tape off and drove home. Its not the first time I've seen it.


    Just got me thinking why do we obscure our number plates when we post pictures of our cars on the net and why do people cover their number plates up at trackdays? :bangin:




  3. Thanks again SteveW - followed the guide through this morning and my driver's side window now works a treat!


    You don't have one for 'how to fit a road bike into a 350Z' do you?! :lol:


    Lol I've not worked out how to do that yet! I've been trying as well. Think I just need a smaller bike.

  4. Not worth DIY, garages do not charge much to replace a exhaust, let them do it imo



    +1 but I am a little older.



    I would agree with those statements, its just not worth the hassle.

    If you could actually get some proper torque on the nuts, i.e. had a pit or two post ramp it wouldn't be too bad but for the few quid they charge next time I think it will be off to the garage.

  5. The penny trick is where you twist the black plastic spring casings to release them from the boot lid and insert a penny into the spring casing to stiffen the spring.


    This does work in a few cases but the penny can actually cause the boot spring to push through the boot after a while - it has pushed through on mine slightly and cracked the paint.


    Hope that made sense :)


    Bloody hell my pennies will be getting taken out tomorrow!!!

  6. Its always the way isn't it, you get one thing sorted then find something else wrong.


    Anyways today I got my new rear tyres put on and then went home and set about fitting my K1.

    The backbox came off without too much of an issue, the mid pipe and Y pipe were a different story!


    After a long time hammering swearing, bashing my knuckles and swinging on the nuts like a monkey in a tree I managed to get the Y pipe nuts off but could I buggary shift the Y pipe to mid pipe nuts! So out came the angle grinder.


    One or two burns later and 3 hours in total the old exhaust was off. Got the new one on in an hour and it sounds excellent, with the bungs in its just the sound and volume I was after. Can be driven quiet but when you put your foot down :teeth:


    So whilst I was swearing at the Y pipe nuts I noticed my NSF tyre has worn to completely slick on the inside edge i.e. 0mm tread. The rest of the tyre has 4mm of tread left and so does the OSF tyre all over, no uneven wear pattern on that one.


    I had a look at all the suspension compoennts and nothing appears to be bent or loose etc. I'm puzzled to what has caused this but I think first job is a 4 wheel allignment session, hopefully this will fix the root cause, and more new tyres.....I've spent so much on the car this last month! :bangin:

  7. Uh sorry before I forget might be worth changing the fluid for the cooling too... and diff :lol: and,.... ;)


    Aghhhh, not more things for my list!!! :lol:


    Cool, I'm using the REDLINE Synthetic Manual Transmission 90 MT90 75W-90 GL4 get 4 quarts since 3 aint enough.. the US lads us a mix of the REDLINE but I find the stuff I got fine for normal gearing...haven't tracked yet so not sure if its up for the job. Would ask MR Lizard and see what he's using to be honest since he's doing the tracking fulltime I'd use him as a good gauge. Well change the fluid mate :dance: I use bike fluid in mine... a bit more expensive I think but that was the only one I had around when I flushed mine...


    The Silkolene is sold in litres not stupid US measurements so 3 should be enough, that was one of teh reasons why I chose it.

    Thanks for the tip about MrLizard.




  8. Hi mate,


    Well can never be sure if it has been changed properly, you know what Nissan main stealers can be like. I only go there for the stamp :lol: and do everything else myself to make sure its done properly.


    I've recently changed my pads and disks for turbogrooves and yellowstuffs so hoping they will be up to the job.


    I am thinking of going for teh Silkolene Silktran 5.

  9. Thanks for the information, I think I'm gonna have a look to see if I can afford to change the brake fluid because I wouldn't want to ruin my day by boiling the standard dot 3 stuff.


    I've already decided I'm going to change the gearbox oil anyway so might as well kill two birds with one stone as it were and get 2 litres of RBF 600 and change over.



  10. I'm booked on a trackday in just over two weeks and getting rather excited. Just doing the last little bits to get the motor in tip top condition.


    I have just been thinking about the brake fluid because I've just had a P2 and it was changed with the regular Nissan stuff.


    Is the regular Nissan stuff (4* / Dot 3) good enough for the trackday or should I get some Dot 4 or Dot 5.1?


    I did a serach but couldn't find what I was looking for so sorry if this has been asked previously.




  11. had a similar problem with my headlight washers ... It turned out that I just needed to re-fill the washer reservoir ...


    I'd give that a go before you do anything else ...






    first port of call.sorted mine when this happened :teeth:


    :boxing: +1

  12. Thanks for the reply mate and confirming it does still work.


    I think I have worked out why it doesn't work for me.

    In the my account section I wasn't specified as a club member :doh:

    So I have added my details and now I guess it just needs one of the guys over at Opie Oils to confirm I am a member of this forum.




  13. Hmm I'm a little confused by the Opie Oils website can anyone help.


    I'm looking to get some gearbox oil and decided on Silkolene Silktran 5 anyway the members price inc VAT is £12.02 however, when I add it to my basket and go to the checkout it comes up at the non-members price of 13.36?


    I've tried a few different types of oil and still keep getting the non-member prices.


    I have checked that I am logged in.


    Has anyone else ever experienced this and how do you go about getting the member prices, is there some kind of coupon code you need to type in?


    Thank you


  14. Oh and for stubborn bungs that don't like removing, I found that a £14.99 Hilka Dentpuller from Screwfix comes in very handy


    Thats the problem with stainless steel it galls together hence why its a nightmare to take apart. :bang:

    Thanks for the tips though about taking them out and putting them in, I'll definately remember the rubber mallet!

  15. Every track day is 3/4 rpm at 45deg from exhaust, so for the Zed it's 4500rpm and held until they get a sensible reading.


    Yes thats correct, once I've fitted it I'm hoping to borrow a sound meter from work to see what its at.

  16. On the other hand, why risk it?


    So many track days are at risk now because of the NIMBYs complaining about noise, and it would be beneficial to all to not give them any more ammunition. Bearing in mind you'll make no extra power at all regardless of what exhaust you're running, is it really worth it? I can understand the want to get the K1 on, but there's really no need to rush it.




    Without bungs it is bang on the 105dB limit so you'll fail, with bungs you should be fine but do check on the drive-by as with or without bungs you're very likely to fail that.



    I've called the trackday organisers and I've been told that there are no drive by noise tests at Mallory Park apparently there is just the static test if you are considered too loud when driving round. Might take the stock exhaust in the boot just in case

  17. Hi,


    I've recently booked on a trackday you might have seen my other post.

    I've also just bought a K1 and intend to fit it this weekend because my exhaust is blowing.


    Now when I booked on the trackday I thought all was good because the place I booked it through said it was 119Db noise limit- however when I received my confirmation today the noise level has been confirmed as 105Db static - 0.5m from vehicle at 45 degrees.


    Now my question does anyone have any idea how loud the K1 is with and without the bungs?

    Will I be OK with the K1 or should I leave the stock exhaust on until after the trackday?


    I intend on ringing the organisers tomorrow to confirm the static test is the only one that will be used, i.e. no drive by levels etc.


    However, if anyone was has any drive by noise levels they would be very much appreciated also.


    Thank you


  18. i think mallory is one of the lowest noise levels in the country.


    The one that I have booked onto is 119Db!!


    Really can't wait for it now, less than 3 weeks

    So think the K1 bungs will be coming out :teeth:


    He he

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