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Posts posted by Ekona

  1. Bearing in mind everyone’s renewal price should drop this year as insurance companies are no longer allowed to give better rates to new customers than existing ones. 

    I did wonder why Go Compare’s latest TV ad seemed a bit odd, but this new rule has essentially made them a bit redundant!

  2. I’m pretty happy where I am tbh. There’s nothing engine wise that I’ve not driven, from a v-twin to a v12, so I don’t have any bucket list to tick off. As long as it has a combustion engine of some kind, I’ll drive one until it’s no longer financially viable to do so. 

  3. Tbh at that money there’s a million* other cars you can pick from, that all trump the new Zed in one way or another. Let’s be honest, anyone buying one of these wants one simply because it’s a Zed, not because it’s a better car than any of the alternatives. 


    *may or may not be true. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, GranTurismoEra said:

    Japanese custom spec. Way better. Grill fixed?! 


    That is a billion times better, I actually love that! Amazing what a front bumper change and a body coloured katana will do for the car. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, nozb2k said:

    What does post count have to do with anything? Am I meant to sit and chat @*!# on here to build up 1000's of posts? Post count doesn't equal credability. Sure I could have 1000's of posts, not drive a Z and still be a ****.

    True. However you’d have to be an absolute numpty to expect to walk into a pub full of locals and shout at the top of your voice that the local ale they’ve been drinking for years tastes like arse and is brewed from the excrement of roadkill badgers, and not expect people to point out you’re wrong. Which is pretty much what you’ve done here. :lol: 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
  6. 1 hour ago, nozb2k said:


    What exactly is your problem? Why would I say I had 19s on the back when it wouldn't have been true?


    You are coming off as an absolute ****.

    That’s probably because I am. However, that doesn’t make what I’m saying any less true, like it or not. 

    Running such huge wheels on the front in comparison to the rear is not only stupid, it’s dangerous to yourself and other road users. The fact you’re doing it willingly and cannot understand the simple physics behind why it’s causing you massive grief on top of the mod it’s staggeringly daft. 

    If you’d done that to get you home after a puncture, that’s fair enough. Life happens. To carry on doing it whilst having your car in such a dangerous condition is… well, insert your own adjective here. 

    • Like 1
  7. 42 minutes ago, nozb2k said:


    Did this guy reply to my post twice and still doubt what he read in the first place?

    Well, in fairness I was giving you a chance to say “whoops, made a mistake there, that should’ve read 19” at the back instead”, which then wouldn’t have made you sound like such an utter berk for driving your car in a consistently dangerous state and then wondering why it wasn’t working properly.

    My apologies, next time I shall assume idiocy rather than typo. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  8. Running that combo for anything other than an emergency ‘get you home in a couple of miles’ situation is dangerous as hell regardless of any other mods you may or may not have, tbh. 

    Why would you not switch the fronts to the rears at the very least?! I’m not surprised you’ve had problems!

    • Like 2
  9. PASM I never found that useful on the 9x7 cars, as the harder setting never seemed properly settled on the local roads around me and the wider UK in general. The gen2 stuff was much better than the gen1, but invariably I usually left that in normal mode when on a hoon. 

  10. Yup, because there’s more material in the head so far less likely to suffer from bore scoring and d chunk problems. 

    Must admit I’d go for the base car these days too, enough poke to be fun but you can wring it’s neck and not end up in silly speeds too quickly. 

  11. 16 minutes ago, Willsy1980 said:


    Yeah just wish the red was a little closer to the seat colour, but I think it works ok. 

    Next on the ever expanding list has got to be the Nismo mats....

    Clean the seats or rub your hands on some grease before you next drive and the reds will match perfectly :lol:

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