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Posts posted by Billy7766

  1. it shouldn't though since RHD ones are surely already out in Japan?


    true, but there always seems to be a significant lag btwn Japan and the UK, and they also seem to give us a different spec....not sure why really. As I say can't swear to the info but that's basically what I've been told so far.


    The long and the short of this is Privilege was trying to claim that since the new model specs were different (and unpublished) the MY07 was a diffent car to the MY06 version they wouldn't replace the car but instead give me £4k less than I bought the original for. As a result I phoned Nissan UK and a few dealerships trying to get the offical line, and these are the results


    Slightly :offtopic: I should also mention that if I hadn't phoned round I still wouldn't have a car, bascially they hadn't even bothered to check in the hope I'd simply take the cash and they'd save themselves some money :angry:


    This was after waiting 8 weeks, during which time they had assured me I would get the MY07 replacement no problem :rant::angry::bang: so I've now been waiting since Jan for a car that I could have sourced in about 4 weeks.


    The moral is, don't use Privelege Insurance.


    Here endeth the rant

  2. isn't May the time where you'll get 07's in UK? so sound about right


    Yep, Allegedly! :thumbs:


    Doing my best Sarnie impression here - however :secret: I have a little info on this front having had a "discussion" (read :rant: ) with my insurance firm and Nissan UK on this one


    Apparently, and I can't swear to any of this due to the convoluted way I got the info, the official UK specs & price list are due out this month at some point, expect about a £2k price hike, the actual orders are supposedly being fulfilled in Japan in May but who knows if this will actually happen, but then the actual launch date seems to be June / July.


    Confusingly one dealer I spoke to said that they'd been told the car was being pushed back to Oct, but I don't think that can be right if people have already put deposits down.


  3. Good luck Ross. I did my BEng in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering while I was still working between 1996-2000 and it was bloody hard work. :scare::sweat:


    The last thing you need after a hard days work is to come home to start studying for an exam. And then there's the coursework & projects!!! Nightmare. Never mind mate, it'll soon be over. :)


    Makes you realise how easy the full time students have got it. :dry:


    :headhurt: at least you get to, you know, eat, and stuff whilst you're studying. I had to work all through Uni, always flat broke. I finished in '00 and made my final student loan payment in Dec last year. It's screwed up.

  4. Hi Guys, Some dealerships will accept a faxed copy - if not the only other solution is a cover note on a Post 0ffice guaranteed next day delivery. Did this on mine and think from memory it arrived by 10.00 am.


    Good luck, Janexxxx :) If not its worth the wait!!!!


    Thx for that, it's a bit like pulling teeth with all the stuff I'm trying to sort out :bang: however making some progress. I just don't want to screw the numbers up be comitting to something I don't think I'm going to be able to do

  5. I used to be a biker once, but my love affair ended with them back in 81. I had a huge acident which saw my bike cut in half and it was a flaming inferno too, but luckily for me i escaped with my life......it was a very close call, the police did not know how i survived.But thank goodness i did :yahoo:


    The proescution rests it's case M'lud

  6. Yes you're right, but if I don't get the reg No. 'till Friday, I won't get the insurance docs done and back to get the tax sorted out on the same day. There's going to be a short delay (a day or two) at least.


    Ah, so its getting the reg number from the dealer thats holding it up? But surely they have had enough time to sort this out? Is it a new one or second hand? Normally on new cars they have a range of numbers to choose from, so they should have plenty. You should be able to at least get them to agree to one...... :wacko:


    Normally you'd be right but as this is an insurance job they're awaiting a funds transfer from the insurance firm, which should happen on Thursday

  7. I've not bought brand new so I don't know but am I missing something here? Don't you just need the reg number - give that to your insurance company, ask them to start the cover from Friday. They send out the cover note either to you or directly to the dealership who can then go and tax the car on your behalf?


    That was my thinking too :wacko:


    Yes you're right, but if I don't get the reg No. 'till Friday, I won't get the insurance docs done and back to get the tax sorted out on the same day. There's going to be a short delay (a day or two) at least.

  8. Thing is some of these guys don't care whether they make it home for their tea... strange mentality but I've seen it on numerous occasions, lost some good pals as well down to this attitude ... mind you I spent 3 months in hospital when I was eighteen down to a motorbike spill (not my fault of course ;) )


    I don't understand bikers. (and this isn't a swipe at you lomoto, this is me being a wuss)


    I can really understand the speed and the freedom, and of course the cost arguments (how else do you get Enzo performance for Mini money)


    :stretcher: It's the horror stories. Spend 5 minutes over a pint with a biker and ask them what prangs they've had an within a few minutes they'll be talking about the time they chipped every bone in thier spinal column or when they came off at 100mph on a wet road or when a car turned out of a junction and they went into the side of the car :teeth:


    Give me four wheels and as many airbags as you can fit :yahoo:

  9. It's the bank holidays and sunshine that bring out the muppets. Most regular bikers I've met, whilst honest-to-goodness nutters, would never consider doing something that stupid, but the guys who only ride occasionally seem to be the ones who have no idea of who or when to overtake. It does suck, and worst of all gives all motorists who enjoy a bit of speed a hard time, the more accidents, the slower the rest of us are forced to go by a govt that has to pander to the lowest common denominator.:angry:

  10. Looking forward to seeing you on the NW run mate, and next time you dip your headlights....think twice ;)


    Good to hear you are sorted now though..


    Actually I have developed a series of checks that I will run before turning the key in the ignition


    Q1. Is it January? If so, find alternative transport. All the points I've ever had, and now this, have occured in Jan


    Q2 Are you in Yorkshire? If so call for a low-loader to get the car and you to any surrounding county. It's just not worth the risk.


    Q3 Is it nighttime? If so is it raining? If so, spend the night where you are


    With these simple steps I will have many miles of happy driving

  11. Dont you just wish Nissan would fit proper gas struts :rant:


    Just get it all done on insurance and try not to think about it is all I can say unfortunately. Lets hope people here can read this and never have it happen to them.


    The real annoying thing is that I remember thinking that the bonnet was bouncing a lot in the wind and that I was not overly happy working underneath it!!

    The thing is the wind was not THAT strong!!


    You are right though just get it PROPERLY sorted through the insurance company.

    Ming the surprisingly upbeat!!


    Oh mate, that totally sucks :scare:

    I really hope that this gets sorted out for you by the insurance

    By way of a mutual cry into our cups I also have a tale of woe that has left me Z-less for nearly 4 months - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubfzu5QZrz0



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