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Posts posted by Billy7766

  1. That would be great dude thanks


    email is starnowski [dot] louis [at] mtvne [dot] com




    :offtopic: but just a word of warning but the internet bots often pick up typed out email addys like that, doens't matter if it's not your main account but can be a pain in the derrier :)

    I've altered it in the above so I don't garuntee you'll get spammed by posting it twice!

  2. Plus if you line them up alongside a couple of Yellows, we can go for the giant wasp effect at meets. :)


    Is this a bit like always making sure you have an ugly mate with you when you go on the pull? :teeth:

  3. Nice ride.... Black is the only way to go Billy ;) Though I did read today that Black is the new Silver and soon our roads will be full of Henry Ford's fondest colour :(


    Have you had a black car before? Just make sure you practice good washing technique and NEVER go thru a car wash. Black is beautiful when clean but a bi!ch the keep it clean. 2 bucket wash method is a must (I use 3 - one for the wheels only), as is a proper drying towel and something like Last Touch or Quick Detailer to finish it off. Be sure to build up plenty of layers of wax too which will give you some much needed protection.


    I've just spent £200 on having mine detailed to get rid of swirls and horrible marks from poor ownership (the guy before me obviously didn't care too much about it), and it looks SWEET. I won't let anyone else near it with a bucket now.


    Enjoy it. Clean in the summer, there is no better colour. imo of course.


    Yeah I've had black cars for the last three (so nearly 8 years now) and you're spot on wrt how hard they are to keep looking nice.


    I decided to drive to my meetings today, and had to go through Hyde Park, music up, sun out life is sweet :yahoo: had a whole crowd of Spanish students walking past and gawping :teeth:


    OK I think I know the answer to this but what do you mean by a 2 bucket wash?


    I've invested in some Autoglym products at the Halfords 2-for-1 weekend, got some wash, what they describe as "deep shine" which is bascially a polish, a shamy type thing (called "aqua-dry", I mean seriously thier marketing dept needs a good kicking...I digress) and some fast glass spray so I'll give it a good going over this weekend....any dos and don'ts gratefully recived. :thumbs:

  4. First shaky photograph of my brand new baby, collected at 6pm tonight.....just got back from a little drive round London and some food to celebrate :teeth:


    Just wanted to share my smugface with you all :p



    :thumbs: [/img]

  5. Found the original




    This was filmed in 1978 as a Ferrari promo, totally illeaglly, on the streets of Paris. It was supposed to be a 275GTB but in fact was filmed using the Merc SL gull wing job (someone tell me the proper name, the one the Steve McQueen had) in drag....anyway don't try this at home kids

  6. I suspect that everyone has already seen this Nissan version of the famous "not-actually-a-Ferrari" run through Paris but if not it's well worth checking out



    If you have no idea what I'm talking about the original is also on YT, and I'll see if I can find it

  7. A few years back my friends dad was an advanced police driving instructor. Back then the guidlines given to traffic police was speed limit +10% + 3MPH. So for motorways you got 80MPH before they'd ticket ya. He also said that you could easliy do 85MPH without being done as long as you arent all over the place or tailgating. Not that I condone speeding of course :teeth:


    I got nailed doing 87mph on an empty motorway last jan :rant: (hence the natty picture on the left here; got to use the photo for something!) I'd suggest being very careful at or over 85

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